She hadn't even seen it coming, had been so consumed with her bitter grief over the death of her relationship that she felt as though she'd been blindsided.
Chyna and Chris had just entered the hotel, and she'd kept her head down sadly, allowing the blond man to usher her into the lobby. Jericho had approached the front desk to request a pair of rooms - adjoining ones if available, she heard him say - when it happened.
Eddy... The small Latino man called out to her in his distinctive voice, and she raised her head to catch sight of him making a beeline straight for her. Her blue eyes narrowed for a brief moment before widening in surprise.
"Mamacita! Thank God I found you! Come here, Mommy, I want to-"
"Get the hell away from her..."
The raven-haired woman looked up to see that Chris had made his way back to her, finished with the front desk, a keycard in his free hand as his other held onto his bag. He glared at Guerrero, a murderous gleam in his clear blue eyes as he looked the smaller man over.
"Mind your own beeswax, Jericho!" Eddy shouted, then, instinctively, he reached out for Chyna's arm, gripping it in his attempt to drag her away to talk privately.
"Let go of me!" she shouted, snapping back to reality. She wrenched her arm out of his grasp. "We have nothing to say, Eddy!"
"Yes we do, Mommy... Mamacita, look at me."
"Go away, Guerrero! Don't you understand English? She doesn't want to talk to you!" the blond man shouted, reaching out for the diva's other arm and yanking her away from the other man.
Chyna let out an exclamation of pain despite her muscular strength. The two men were battling back and forth in a verbal fashion, but they were also both grabbing her, and their gripping fingers began to hurt. They let her go a moment later, when Eddy released her first and gave Jericho a hard shove that nearly sent him reeling.
"This is *my* Mamacita, ese! You need to back off!"
"Eddy!" she shouted, incredulous and furious simultaneously. There was a small crowd gathered around them in the confines of the lobby, and she felt mortified. On top of this, a security guard was approaching them.
"Ma'am, is there a problem here?" the man asked, directing his full attention to her. "Are these gentlemen bothering you?"
"No," she replied, shaking her head. "Yes, I mean..." The raven- haired diva wished the floor could just open up and swallow her whole. She cast her disgusted gaze at Guerrero. "*He's* the one bothering me."
"All right, sir... Go on about your business before you're escorted out of here."
Chyna didn't stick around long enough to listen to Eddy's words as he tried to plead his case with the guard. Instead, she and Jericho hurried out of the area and up to the third floor.
She was silent as they made their way to her room. Chris handed her a keycard, and she fingered it almost thoughtfully, her mind whirling with now the most recent events of the night.
"Well... This is where we say goodnight," the blond man said somberly as they reached her room.
"Chris... Would you...?" She sighed and shifted her sad blue eyes so that they met his squarely. "I don't think I can be alone right now. Would you... stay with me? Just..." Her eyes filled with tears again. "Just sit with me, talk to me tonight..."
The blond man nodded. "Okay... yeah, I can do that, sweetheart."
He took the keycard from her and swiped it through the door,
ushering her inside as he somehow managed to meander their bags in
as well. The moment the door was closed, Chyna turned to throw
herself into his strong arms and clung to him, sobbing.