Adam and Amy rushed into the hospital, each consumed by feelings of anger, sadness and regret.
Earlier in the day, Dawn Marie had called the redhead's cell phone, giving her the address and directions so that she and Adam could come to visit Rey Mysterio. The tiny man had been taken out of commission after Matt Hardy's brutal attack.
The tall blond man raked his left hand through his hair, his right gripping the diva's. The brunette had said Rey was in room 362. They hurriedly took the elevator up and searched the hallway for the room.
"I promise, you'll be back to your old self again..."
The couple stopped as they heard the familiar voice of Dawn Marie to their right. They exchanged glances before Adam gestured with a tilt of his head toward the room.
Amy swallowed hard as they entered, sorry she hadn't taken the time to buy their friend some flowers or something else, but they'd rushed over. They'd had to attend the taping and come after it was all over.
Hey, buddy," Adam said as he ducked into the room.
"Adam! Amy! Come in," Dawn Marie exclaimed. She rose from the edge of the bed, where she'd been sitting, to usher them into the small room.
Amy's heart nearly broke at the sight of Rey in the bed. The diminuitive wrestler's left leg was wrapped up in a cast, and elevated by a contraption overhead. Damn it, Matt had put him in traction! She felt sick to her stomach that she had been responsible for the brutal attack. She swallowed again as Dawn hooked her arm into her own and led her closer.
"How are you feeling, buddy?" Adam asked, the tall blond man's face full of concern. After Matt had gone after him, his own knee wasn't in the best condition, but it was intact, and a visit to the company doctor had put to rest his fears of needing surgery.
"I've been better..." Mysterio admitted. "Dawnie's been helping, though." The brunette gave him a soft, though somewhat sad smile.
"He needs knee surgery," she explained quietly. "I was just trying to reassure him that he'll come out just like new, but-"
"Oh, God..." Amy's face was ashen as she absorbed her friend's words. "It's all my fault!"
"Don't be ridiculous, Amy," Dawn said, turning to look into the redhead's face. "You didn't smash Rey's knee with that chair - that asshole Matt did..."
"I know, but-"
"Ames, I thought we went over all this already. You are not responsible," the Canadian stated. It broke his heart that she felt as though this were her fault.
"But I-"
"Amy, you didn't do anything," Mysterio suddenly insisted. "And just because Matt Hardy happens to be your ex-boyfriend doesn't mean I'll look at you differently. He's the one who did this - not you."
The redhead swallowed hard. God, if only they could all understand how she was feeling...
"He's right, Amy," a new voice spoke from the doorway several feet behind them, and they all turned to see Stephanie McMahon, a bouquet of flowers in her hand. She stepped into the room and greeted each of them in turn.
"These," she said, holding up the blooms, "are for you."
"Thank you, Stephanie."
The General Manager placed the bouquet on the tiny table located on the other side of the bed. She guessed a nurse would take care of the flowers later.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you," the brunette said, her eyes sad but then growing hard with anger. "But believe me when I say that Matt Hardy will be dealt with accordingly."
"Good!" Dawn Marie said. She hoped the bastard would again be suspended - him and his plastic whore...
The GM turned abruptly toward Adam.
"Since your knee is in decent shape, I'm going to set up a match between you and Mr. Mattitude, for our next pay-per-view, Armageddon," she announced.
The blond man arched an eyebrow at that, glad for Stephanie's resourcefulness. He knew this would be very interesting.
"Yeah? What do you have in mind, Steph?"
"How about a TLC match?"
The redhead whipped her head in the General Manager's direction, hoping she'd heard the woman wrong. She couldn't possibly be serious about putting her boyfriend in such a dangerous match against Matt Hardy - not now, not in the midst of all this had blood... Not so shortly after the dark-haired man had tried to shatter Adam's knee - as he'd done to poor Rey Mysterio...
The Canadian grinned.
"That sounds about perfect..."