"Well, I guess this is where we call it a night..."
Jay smiled crookedly as he gazed into Amy's face. He felt almost reluctant to leave her there at her hotel room door, but the diva had insisted she was sleepy and couldn't stay out or up any longer.
"Yeah..." The redhead smiled, for some reason getting the urge to reach out to tousle his short blond hair. She managed to resist it. "I had a nice time tonight."
"We have to do this again some other night - soon," Jay said, his blue eyes fixing tenderly to her hazel.
"I'd like that," she replied with a short nod.
"All right, then... Goodnight, Ames."
"Goodnight, Jay."
With that, the short-haired blond man continued on down the hotel hallway to his room. Amy slowly shut and locked her door and was filled with a myriad of emotions as she stepped further into the room.
Not all of the feelings were good ones. She sighed and felt her stomach clench up as she rewound her mind to earlier that night - to Adam. Although she'd had a good time with Jay, she'd nonetheless still had the tall blond man on her mind the entire night. She'd tried not to think about how upset she knew he must be, but it hadn't been easy. The image of his handsome yet disappointed face had been burning in her brain all night.
How terribly guilty she felt... She wondered how he'd spent his evening and guessed he'd been doing nothing but sulking. Would it really have been such a bad thing for Adam to have hung out with them? *She* didn't think so, but she knew Jay had wanted it to just be the two of them.
She began to remove her shoes, her mind still consumed with thoughts of Adam. She shouldn't have done it, shouldn't have told him... Basically, in a nice way, she'd told him to take a hike, beat it, get lost. Any which way you sliced it, it hurt.
She padded into the bathroom and picked up her hairbrush, running it through her long auburn locks. Her eyes met her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her hair, and she still couldn't rid her mind of Adam.
She sucked in a breath, the overwhelming urge not leaving her. She needed to go see Adam and apologize. She hadn't *not* wanted his company, and she had to let him know that.
Amy dropped her hairbrush and rushed out of the bathroom. Slipping her feet into her shoes, she kept the blond man's face vividly fresh in her mind. Then, her mind made up, she snatched her keycard and slipped from the room to go to him.
As she stood outside his door a moment later, she knocked, her breath held as she tried to listen to any sounds within. Was he asleep? And then, she heard him moving closer to the door, and it opened.
The blond man smelled clean and fresh, his hair slightly damp from a recent shower. He cocked his head as he gazed out at her, examining her as though surprised to see her there.
"Hi... I'm sorry to bother you so late," she said, nervous that he'd turn her away. "But I wanted to apologize for earlier."
He stared at her intently, those green eyes drinking her in slowly, appreciatively. As he listened to her words, a slow, tiny smile came to his face.
"It's okay, Ames," he assured her.
She looked down, as though ashamed.
"I just feel so bad," she admitted. "The truth is, I haven't been able to stop thinking of you all night..."
Adam's smile increased, and he reached out and ushered her into his hotel room.
"Really? That's good..." He dipped his head so that his lips hovered mere inches over hers. "... because
I haven't been able to get *you* off *my* mind, either..."