Amy was so upset, she couldn't think straight. Standing idly in the hotel hallway, she knew she needed to talk to someone, but who?
Should she go back to Trish? The blonde was her friend... Even though she'd revealed something devastating to her, she had been looking out for her best interests. What about Dawn Marie? She should probably have some words with her as well.
The visages of both women faded from her mind, only to be replaced by the warmly smiling image of Jay. The thought of the man who was now her ex-boyfriend's best friend, her good friend as well, definitely had her feeling a bit of comfort.
It was late... But the redhead knew she could always count on Jay Reso. He was strong, solid, dependable... A good shoulder to cry on or just to lean on. She could always find him easy to talk to.
Her guard shot up in an instant as she heard Adam's voice. Was he really still chasing her? She'd stormed out and away from him before she'd gone to Trish. She had sternly let him know she wanted nothing more to do with him. How dare he give chase!
"C'mon, where are you? Talk to me, Amy!"
She scowled, seething. He was pathetic... But he also didn't see her, as she couldn't see him.
Shaking her head, Adam's voice along with that, she jogged down the corridor, Jay's room number etched in her memory. She was going to him. Her mind was made up.
Jay looked up at the sound of the knock. He'd been watching some old, cheesy horror movie on cable and had been almost falling asleep from boredom. It was pretty late, and he wondered who could be visiting him now. Adam, perhaps? Well, maybe not - his so-called best friend hadn't exactly been treating him as so in awhile.
He sprang up to open the door, surprised when he caught sight of the redhead standing there.
"Hi, Jay. Can I...?" She gestured to the interior of the room.
"Sure... Come in."
The redhead seemed to hurry as she entered the room, and Jay wondered about that as he shut the door. As he fixed his gaze on her, he noticed that Amy looked especially distraught. Instinctively, his first guess was that she'd found out that Adam had cheated on her with Dawn Marie.
The young woman was so upset, she literally couldn't keep still. Instead, she fidgeted around, her hands clenching and unclenching and going up into her hair. Her feet were pretty much in the same state as she paced ever so slightly.
"Amy... Hey, I've never seen you like this," Jay said as he edged closer to her. "Are you okay?"
The redhead eyed him evenly for a beat before she finally broke down, every last bit of her calm facade gone. Tears streamed down her cheeks in an instant as the sobs came, and she fell into her friend's strong embrace.
"No... No, I'm not!" she moaned. She sobbed for awhile as the short-haired blond man ran a soothing hand down her back.
"Amy, Amy... What's wrong that has you so torn up? Talk to me."
She raised her head from his chest, the look in her teary hazel depths so tragic, he thought he might break down himself.
"Adam!" For the moment, it seemed the name was the only word she could utter in response to his question.
"Oh, no."
After a moment, she continued.
"He... He played me, Jay. He played me!" she murmured. "That night you and I hung out, he slept with Dawn Marie. Trish even played a tape for me, and-"
"A tape?" The blond man's face took on an expression of horror.
"It's not what you think," Amy said, assuming he thought it was a tape of them having sex. "Dawn Marie recorded a conversation between them from later. I... I just can't believe he would do that to me!" She bowed her head as fresh tears came.
Jay hugged her to him again, his right hand stroking her long red hair. He felt terrible that she felt so heartbroken, that someone he'd considered his closest friend was responsible for her current state. It was enough to make him want to go searching for the slimeball and punch his lights out.
However, he knew he wouldn't do that... At least not yet. For now, all he could focus on was the
redhead crying in his arms, and being there for her in her hour of need.