World of Sport Interview (Edge, John Cena and Stacy Keibler)
May 30, 2005
A question is asked for all of the wrestlers “If we turned on your console at home what would be in it?”
Stacy: “Smackdown vs. Raw is in my PlayStation.”
Edge: “I would need it hooked up and I actually to be home to play it.”
A question was asked to Edge about his first appearance in the WWE and how a wrestler he was competing against was hurt. How did it effect his confidence?
Edge: “That night definitely shook my confidence. TV debut and knocking out your opponent is not exactly a great start. I didn’t feel comfortable in the ring. Whether that would happen or not. I was told 'Edge, come through the crowd.' That was extent of what my character was, that’s what I was told. It left me with a lot of questions. I was actually happy that they came up with the idea of the Brood. Now at that point I was able to lean on two other guys and it helped my gain whatever confidence I may have lost back.
I ask a question if it’s more important for writers to provide them with a ton of background or do you like to wing when you’re out in front of the crowd?
Edge: “When I first joined the company I wasn’t going to wing it because I didn’t know what the consequences would be once I got behind the curtains. When you get comfortable and realize that you can wing it a lot of the times and it works better because it flows out as you’re doing it and it doesn’t seem contrived. Whether it be a match, a promo, whatever, but to me it’s a comfort level for me to realize that’s it’s ok for me to do my thing.”
When wrestling has been successful there has been era, the Hogan Era, the Attitude Era. What do you see as the next era coming out?
Cena: “That’s one of those things that one of these days someone is going to say 'hey that’s an era' and it’s going to stick. During the peaks and valleys the show never stops. You just keep going. When they get the phrase they’re going to stick it to us but we just keep going.”
A question was asked to all of the wrestlers if they feel confined to the script given to them by the writers since some of best catch phrases in wrestling have resulted from adlib.
Cena replies: “Not at all.”
Edge responds: “How would you know that?
The journalist replies: “I have some friends that work in the industry.”
Edge counters: “Well I have some friends that work in the industry as well.” Which brings a chuckle from a few of the other journalists.
The journalist mentions a name of a wrestler that has recently started with the WWE.
Edge replies: “It’s different for every guy. It’s all about a comfort level for them to be able to do it and it’s just different for everyone. But when it comes to your character if you’re going to produce and put something entertaining on TV then you’re going to be given some leeway to do your thing. I’m guessing nobody writes your stuff for you.”
Cena replies: “That the most entertaining TV is done by the seat of your pants. It’s drama and realness. When I go out there you get me. If we took our writing cast and put them next to each other nobody is going to say 'Yo, this is hot in the hood you have to say this.' Just go out there and do what you do.”
A question is asked about injuries in the ring. Do the wrestlers think about an injury or just force it out of their mind when in the ring?
Edge answers: “Having been through neck surgery I don’t think about it at all. I think if I did that’s when I would get hurt again. If I get hurt I have to roll with it but I can’t think about it the next time I’m in there (the ring). The one thing that does happen if you keep working through an injury is something else will try to compensate for the injury. I had a torn MCL when I compensated for that then I hurt my neck causing I was landing differently, trying to keep my foot up and not hurt my knee, but started to land on my neck. But I can’t think about it now. I have to go in and say Ok I can’t get hit directly over the head with a steel chair anymore, if you’re going to hit me swing it like a baseball bat. I can’t take a piledriver and I shouldn’t be falling off ladders but I still do. Those are the things I have to keep in my mind when I go into the ring.”