WWE Byte This Review
August 17, 2005
Host: Todd Grisham
Guests: Edge, Lita, and Matt Hardy.
Todd welcomes everyone to the show and says tonight there are three guests, all of whom are part of the controversial love triangle - Matt Hardy, Lita, and Edge. He mentions the new RAW Magazine that is out, in which all three had the chance to tell their side of the story. Todd then welcomes Edge and Lita from their home, and Matt, in the studio. He sets the story and announces the match coming up at SummerSlam and mentions how everything broke on the internet.
Todd: Edge, speak your mind first. You mentioned real emotions involved. What real emotions?
Edge: Hate, pure and simple. Matt, you dragged our personal lives out there for anyone to comment on like it was anyone's business. It was an adult situation that should have stayed that way. We're human - everyone makes mistakes. But you acted like a sixth grader. Edge then mentions Matt's 'grassroots movement' and says that Matt dealing with him at SummerSlam is "career suicide."
Matt tells Amy he trusted her more than anyone, including his brother Jeff. He says he was stabbed in the back and wants to talk about Adam Copeland. He says a mistake is when something happens one time, not three months. Mentions Edge as a main eventer, he's Edge 24/7.
Matt: Let me tell you about Adam Copeland - he's been married and divorced multiple times before the age of 30.
Edge: And it speaks volumes that you've had only one serious relationship by the time you were 30. You don't know how to deal with women, you don't know how to supply the right emotions.
Matt interrupts him and points out Adam's mistakes.
Edge: I don't need to cry about it on the internet like a little girl; you're V1 24/7, I see Adam Copeland when I go to sleep and I'm happy with that.
Matt: I don't care if you're a main eventer or midcarder, I'm gonna beat you up like you've never been beaten up before.
Edge makes fun of Matt's speech.
Edge: Can you speak?
Todd directs his attention to Lita. Question from Jaime from Philadelphia - How do you feel about your personal lives being shown in the ring, and how has it affected your life outside of the ring?
Lita: It's definitely changed every aspect of my life. I never thought my personal life would come out like this, and it's made me change as a person and made me try to think about who I am, but you know, we are human and you make mistakes... and I've admitted, I've admitted before to Matt, and to myself, I feel all that I am obligated that I did make a mistake, but my mistake was going behind Matt's back and betraying his trust. But I don't feel though that I made a mistake by falling in love with Edge... and I'm happy with that decision.
Todd: Are you happy with the way it played out in public? Are you happy that everyone on the internet is talking about it and it's comes to a match like this - Edge and Matt Hardy at SummerSlam, basically over you?
Lita: Absolutely not. I mean, I don't think it's fair, but then I don't think *life* is fair. And you think it's a learning experience, and I mean, this thing has just boiled to a head and what's left? Nowhere to go except to finally have a match at SummerSlam. And as proud as I'll be to be out there standing next to Edge, I'll probably have my eyes closed half the time; I don't... it's hard to watch them go at it.
Todd: Matt, were you...
Matt interrupts
Matt: You wanna talk about fair?
Todd: How about when Edge and Lita's wedding was broadcast on RAW, you were at home, released. How did you feel sitting there watching?
Matt: How did I feel when *my* music played? It was sickening to watch the wedding, it was sickening to see them together. Everytime I see Adam Copeland, everytime I see Edge, it turns my stomach... it makes me sick. I'll tell you the reason why - it's because I liked him so much, I really did, that's why it just makes me sick. I can't even stand to look at him.
Edge says something I can't make out.
Matt: When they played my music, I was ecstatic. I already knew there was a big monster out there, and they were just feeding it. It's the stupidest thing they've ever done, because they were gonna bring me back. And Edge says he wants me back, he doesn't want me back. I'm his worst nightmare!
Edge: Matt, the worst thing you could have done IS come back.
Matt: Believe me, the last thing you want is Matt Hardy back, and you know that. You so know that deep down.
Edge: (sarcastically) Yeah, I look worried.
Matt: Oh, you *are* worried.
Edge: When it comes to you and I, verbally, mentally, physically, you're inferior. I proved that with the verbal beatdown I put on you last week compared to your promo on RAW the week before. It's like beating a baby seal.
Matt: I'll tell you this - when we get to SummerSlam, Adam, there's not gonna be, there's not gonna be any writers that can stop me, there's not gonna be any agents that can stop me, there's not gonna be a McMahon that can stop me.
Edge mentions something about promos.
Matt: That's great, you're talking wrestling promos, but when we get in there, my fist-
Edge interrupts.
Edge: Yeah, exactly, because your life is wrestling, and that's it. Like I said before, you just proved my point, dumbass.
Matt: Let me tell you about my life. What about you when you were all hurt with your broken neck? I called you every week. Adam, are you okay, dude? Is there anything I can do?
Adam tries to speak but gets loudly interrupted.
Matt: (Yelling) When I was the one hurt, you stupid bastard, you lying coward, what did you do? You did everything you could to get inside my girl's head and inside her pants!
Edge: (Sarcastically) Yeah, yeah, I waited for you to leave, Matt.
Matt: What a class act! You're a class act, you're a piece of trash!
Edge: Why? You can't do it. You're a little boy, plain and simple.
Todd: Talking about wrestling promos, what was your reaction when you heard Matt say that he wouldn't be offended if you died in a car accident?
Edge: Well, I think that says the kind of person Matt Hardy is right there. I'm not saying I'm perfect, never have. And I will continue to make mistakes for the rest of my life - that's what human beings do. That's not to brush off what happened. Yeah, it's a mistake. Granted, it's not a mistake that I'm sitting beside her (gestures to Lita) right now, either, though. So, you ask about what I think about someone saying they want me to die in a car accident? The only reason I can think that someone would say that is one, they need to get a life; two, they DON'T want to face me at SummerSlam. Plain and simple. That's all there is to it. If you say that... See, I *want* you to be safe, I said it last Monday - strap your seatbelt tight, take care of yourself. I *want* it to come to SummerSlam. This Sunday, I *want* you and I face-to-face, I *want* everyone to see it (Matt makes stupid faces, noises and hand gestures - how mature...), you put everything out there for everyone to talk about and now they can see us go at it. No one to get in between. Just you and me.
Matt: And I cannot wait.
Edge: Oh, you know what? You can't wait - but guess what? Here's a little analogy for you - I'm Bill Gates, you're the hobo on the side of the street with the cardboard sign saying 'Will wrestle for food.' That's the difference between you and me.
Matt: (Loudly) Okay, Edge! Okay, Edge, you're the greatest!
Edge: You know what? SummerSlam... SummerSlam - it's time to nut up, or shut the fuck up (gets up to leave, and Lita goes with him as Matt laughs).
Credit for this transcript MUST be given to adam-on-the-edge.net!