Adam Weekly - Issue # 43
Hey everyone sorry for the delay on this week's Adam Weekly. So everyone knows I am Sam and I will be doing every other Adam Weekly. Now I know you want to hear more about Adam and not me so I will get on with it.
Now onto the good stuff. When you first see Edge and Lita coming to the ring you can just tell that they are truly happy and truly love each other. There is no way you can act that good. Then when Lita was explaining why she left Kane you just knew that it was basically her saying what happened in real life, but using Kane's name instead. No one can please her like Edge can. Well, you can definitely see that ever since those two have teamed together they have been happier and also looking at who she is with now and who she was with, meaning in the real life situation, I definitely have to agree with that comment. Edge is definitely more of a man and a hell of a lot more good looking.
Another note, how hot was this kiss compared to last week? This week's kiss was more kiss than slobbering on each other. I liked this one a lot better and did anyone else see that when they were leaving the ring he was putting his hand down her shirt and she did not have a problem with it. Now if you were not truly with that person you would not let just anyone do that so there is another thing to throw in people's face who don't believe that they are together in real life.
Also did anyone else see the matching bracelets that they were wearing? That is so cute because it is like a little thing that some couples do. They are so perfect together.
Now onto Edge's match and how Lita kept reacting to his actions. Whenever he did something good she had the big smile on her face and would be jumping up and down for him. Then when he was getting hurt or when he lost the match you saw that she just wanted to cry and make him feel a lot better. I can't wait to see what is going to happen with them next week and the weeks coming up. They are going to be together for a loooooong time and I can't wait to watch every minute of it.
That concludes this issue and if you have any questions or comments just email me at Next week you will hear from Renee again and then me again. This issue totally reeks of awesomeness!! Renee's does too..LOL!!