Adam Weekly - Issue # 73
Hi, and welcome to this week's new issue.
This past Thursday (rather than the usual Monday) saw us witness to Edge's rematch against John Cena for the WWE Championship. Before the match, earlier in the night, Edge and Lita approached Mick Foley in his locker room. Lita tried to appease the special ref and butter him up so that he might be swayed to be in favor of her man, but it didn't seem to be working. Edge spoke up and threatened Mick, letting him know that if he screwed him over in the match, it would be the last mistake he ever made. Foley still didn't seem phased and told the couple to "Have a nice day!"
The match was very good, perhaps better than any televised one these two superstars have had thus far. It was enjoyable with the action going back and forth, and complete with its comic moments, including Lita being ejected from ringside when the Mickster caught her untying one of the turnbuckle pads from its turnbuckle. Personally, I found her little temper tantrum very amusing, and it reeked of shades of Christian circa 2002. It was also sweet to see Edge looking so upset to see her go.
It was quite obvious who was going to end up the victor in this match, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the false finishers. Naturally, we saw Mick Foley get knocked into and then inadvertently shoved out of the ring, and Lita making a return. That was key, as after Foley counted three for Cena with an FU on Edge, of course our couple had to pay dividends to him. Lita delivered a low-blow from behind, and then Edge hit the Spear - good teamwork there. Things seem to be shaping up nicely to set up an Edge/Lita and Mick Foley feud. And while I wasn't excited about the prospect of a WrestleMania match before, I'm looking forward to it now. Foley is an excellent worker, very entertaining, and I think it would be fun to see Edge working with him again - throw in Lita, and you can't go wrong. It should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow night on RAW.
Well, that's going to do it for this week. I apologize for this issue being short, and for being too lazy to write my No Way Out predictions, but I'm kinda
tired. Be sure to watch RAW tomorrow, and enjoy!