Adam Weekly - Issue # 77
Hi there, and welcome to this week's new issue. After last week, it looks like there's a lot to discuss here!
First of all, WrestleMania 22 and the hardcore match Edge had with Mick Foley - I have to just say one thing, and I believe Joey Styles said (or rather, screamed) it best: OH.MY.GOD!!! For those of you who didn't see it, it was a brutal, bloody affair. Seeing as it was Foley involved, that was only natural, and to be expected. Mick is a little off his rocker in these kind of matches, and I continuously distinctly remembered Edge saying in a recent interview that when he really thought about this match (prior to WrestleMania, of course), and thought about the idea of barbed wire and tacks, he would cringe. But who would've expected this match to surpass all the others at the mecca of all WWE pay-per-views? Perhaps the most insane moment of the match (aside from Lita getting Socko, along with a strip of barbed wire, shoved into her mouth right after her man got the same treatment) was the last spot, when Edge speared Foley into a table that was lit on fire outside of the ring. There were many jaw-dropping spots, but that had to be the biggest. Edge of course got the win, and he did some amazing selling afterward, complete with twitching and generally behaving like he wasn't all there. And although he was quite bloody, it really filled me as an Edgehead with pride to see him standing with Lita at the top of that ramp with his arms raised in victory.
The next night on RAW, after that unbelievable hardcore match, finished with Mick Foley, we all probably anticipated that Edge would get right back into the title picture. And sure enough, it seems that this is exactly what's happening. My only beef with it is that Triple H is still involved as well. But with the rumors of Paul Levesque taking time off for wife Stephanie once she gives birth, this might actually be a good spot for our guy. As for the miscommunication that saw Edge accidentally delivering a Spear to "The Game," I don't see those two feuding per se, but this was a perfect setup for the triple threat match for the WWE Championship at Backlash. It should be interesting to see where this goes.
That will do it for this week. Thanks as always for reading, and enjoy RAW tomorrow night!