{You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you…}
They were locked in a kiss so passionate, it was dizzying. Actually, it probably felt that way because they were sort of running. And it was difficult to kiss while running to your car to get back to your hotel so you could fuck each other’s brains out.
{Help me
I broke apart my insides
Help me
I’ve got no soul to sell
Help me
The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself…}
She let out a half-giggle, half-gasp in his mouth as he pressed her up against the hood of their rental car, flat on her back on it. Then, as his kisses grew more demanding, she tangled her hands into his long blond hair, savoring the taste of his lips and tongue. And speaking of which… God, the things he could *do* with that tongue… She’d already been wet when he’d gotten that look in his eyes in the club, while they’d been dirty-dancing together, as she’d known exactly what he wanted. She could read him like a book.
{I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God…}
His lips moved from hers to her ear, where he licked at her soft lobe. God, he wanted her… As always, she drove him wild. She was, simply put, amazing. He’d never met anyone like her, and the thing he loved most about her was that she was not typical or cliché. Her uniqueness was such an awesome thing. From the moment he’d met her four and a half years earlier, he’d wanted to get to know her better… He’d felt an instant, almost animalistic attraction toward her.
She let out a semi-soft moan as he gently sucked at her neck, his lips moving to the hollow base of her throat. He knew that was one of her sweet spots and that she loved it when he nibbled at her there.
{You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
Help me tear down my reason
Help me, it’s your sex that I smell
Help me, you make me perfect
Help me become somebody else…}
“Damn…” he mumbled as he felt her small hand travel all the way from his hair and slowly, tantalizingly, almost maddening so, coming to rest on the bulge in his jeans. He groaned softly as her fingers traced lazy little circles over his erection. Then, gazing down into her beautiful eyes, he nearly lost it as she gave him an adorable, albeit wicked little smile, chasing it down with a chuckle. With her free hand, she pulled his head down to hers again, her lips dominating his in a frenzy of lust.
He wanted her so badly he could taste it… He wanted to tear off every offending piece of clothing she was wearing and ravage her. He wanted *her* to rip off his own – especially his blue jeans, which were getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. It was definitely crowded in the crotch of them now.
“Oh, God, I need you…” she moaned as their kiss broke. There was an almost pained look on her face as she stared up at him upon those words. He knew that look in her eyes – she was silently begging him to satisfy her like only he could.
“Come on, let’s get the hell out of here…” he muttered, reluctantly setting himself upright. He knew she wouldn’t want to do anything right here, not right near the club they’d just left. She wasn’t exactly a prude, but she wasn’t adventurous enough to do it right here and now. He grabbed her hand and led her around to the passenger’s side of the rental.
{I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God…}
He was relieved when the drive back to the hotel took only five minutes, yet at the same time, those five minutes had been maddening. She’d teased him the entire ride back, her hand rubbing at his throbbing hard-on, and she’d giggled as she’d tried her best to unzip his jeans to set him free.
There was hardly a soul around as they stole into the hotel, both their breathing somewhat heavy as the anticipation was even greater now. Thank goodness their room was only on the second floor. And he sighed with relief when they entered, only to have her practically throw him up against the door.
Her hands were pulling a bit at his long hair, and if he wasn’t so highly aroused, he might have winced. As it was, he didn’t have a care in the world aside from her – aside from tearing off her garments, shedding his own and making her scream with pleasure the whole night through.
“Fuck me…” she moaned as she pulled back just enough to gaze up into his green eyes. There was such desire in her own that he wanted to cry. “I need you, baby…”
He chuckled as he started to finally tug at her shirt. “Not a problem…” In seconds, the garment was up and off of her, and he tossed it aside.
She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and he sighed with relief, finally free of the confines. Despite the pleasant feel of his erection and her hands rubbing at it, it had been getting a little painful in the tight, unforgiving denim.
He thought he was going to go absolutely mad as she finished undressing him, then removed her own jeans as it seemed she were deliberately being slow about it. At this point, he just wanted to get to the good stuff already… He wanted to get inside of her, feel her inner muscles gripping him tightly.
He licked his lips as she was down to only her black thong… It would be only a few seconds now. She smiled at him like a little tempest as she hooked her thumbs in the undergarment, slowing swaying a bit as she stripped out of them. Oh, she knew what she was doing to him, he had no doubt about that. She was driving him crazy and she knew it.
She swung the thong around in her hand for a moment before giving up and tossing it along with the rest of their clothes. She knew she didn’t have to bother with the mini-striptease act, as he was more than ready for her.
He let out a soft growl as he reached for her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her wildly again. Then, in one swift movement, he lifted her up off her feet, her legs instantly clasping around his narrow waist. Turning around and pressing her back up against the door, he reached down to reposition himself, and quickly, easily, he slipped into her.
“God, you’re wet…” he spoke breathlessly, not bothering to start off slow. Instead, he thrust into her quickly, knowing she was all ready for the entirety of him.
“Mmm…” She threw her head back for a beat, savoring the feel of him inside of her. He felt so heavenly… She clung tightly to him, allowing her nails to lightly scratch at his shoulders and upper back. “Harder, baby…”
He was more than happy to oblige, and as he quickened the pace, her head hit the door, her breasts bouncing with his movements.
“You feel *so* good, baby…” he murmured, his lips close to her ear. He bowed his head, the soft ringlets of his long blond hair brushing over her shoulders and breasts. He looked up again, his gaze meeting hers, and it was so erotic, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to hold out any longer.
“Yeah, just like that… Keep doing that,” she said breathlessly, her hazel eyes reducing to slits. Then, she fully opened them again, allowing him the pleasure of seeing the ecstasy that was suddenly within. “Oh… God…”
She was there, all right… He felt her tightening up around him, and she bit her lip as though to stifle a scream. She clung to him, her brow furrowing as the orgasm hit her hard.
“Let it out, baby… Let it all out,” he crooned. “You can scream for me…”
“Adam…? God, Adam!” she cried, her gaze fastened on his. She came again and threw her head back, cat-like moans escaping her.
“Damn, Amy, you feel *so* good…” Just seeing that expression of utmost pleasure on her face, hearing the sound of her voice as she climaxed, that was all enough to send him spiraling over as well. He stiffened as he emptied himself into her, a moan escaping him. Stray strands of her red hair were by now pasted to his sweat-slicked face as the pleasurable spasms of his orgasm seemed to go on and on.
{Through every forest, above the trees
Within my stomach, scraped off my knees
I drink the honey inside your hive
You are the reason I stay alive}
“God, that was really something…” Adam Copeland said softly, a small smile coming to his handsome face as he carried Amy Dumas to the bed and laid her gently on it.
The beautiful redhead let out a soft little laugh as she gazed up into his green eyes. She practically purred as she looked up at him, completely sated. “Oh, that was something, all right. I love you, Adam.”
This time, it was the blond man’s turn to chuckle, and he lowered his head to hers, pressing a kiss to her soft full lips for a moment before replying.
“I love you, Ames.”