Amy was still annoyed when she and Adam were back in their hotel room. In fact, she was fuming. Good thing her hands were all healed up and the bandages had been removed, as she couldn't stop clenching them into fists.
"I mean, who the *hell* does she think she is?!" the redhead raged. She let her suitcase drop to the floor as she nearly stomped over to the bed to sit on its edge. She didn't stay seated for longer than a few seconds, however, and sprang back up to pace the floor. Her hands came up toward her head as she gestured all her anger. "She hits on you *right in front of me*?! What the hell...?!"
Adam left his own suitcase over near the door, abandoning it as he stepped forth to ease his furious girlfriend.
"Amy... Sweetie, calm down." The blond man put a calm yet restraining hand on her shoulder... Damn, she was tense. "Torrie is just overly friendly, but I couldn't care less about her," he assured her. "Trust me, you have absolutely *nothing* to worry about."
"I *know* that!" the redhead cried. "But that's not the point. She acts as though I wasn't even *there*! How *dare* she!"
"Ames!" Adam took hold of her hand and led her to the bed to sit down. When she sighed and obliged reluctantly, he knelt before her, grasping both her hands in his, his emerald eyes locked on her fire-filled hazel. "Listen to me, baby... This is exactly what people want - for us to have problems." He sneered as he corrected himself. "Well, it's what *one* person wants, at least." His features grew angrier by the second as he thought of Matt Hardy. That bastard would just *love* it if he and Amy were to break up. Knowing that asshole, he'd probably throw a party!
"I guess you're right," the diva said in a much calmer, more even voice. She let out a breath, pulling one hand free of her boyfriend's to run it through her hair.
"Holy shit... That's it," Adam surmised. It *has* to be! I bet I'm right."
Amy cocked her head as she eyed him curiously.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Don't you see, Ames? Someone wants us broken up!"
The redhead frowned, her anger returning.
"Yeah, Torrie obviously *is* on the make for you."
"No... I'm not talking about her," he cut in. "Think about it... Who is the one person who's been giving us crap for the last month plus?"
The young woman seemed to be at a momentary loss. Then, after a beat, her hazel eyes widened as recognition shone clearly on her pretty face.
"Oh, my God..." she breathed. "... You mean... Matt?"
"That's *exactly* who I mean," her boyfriend confirmed. "Something is definitely up. And you know what?"
Amy's brows rose quizzically.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Torrie is in on it with him," the blond man went on. "I always thought she was a nice enough girl, but to tell you the truth, *nothing* would surprise me where Matt Hardy is concerned." He shook his head angrily. "I *thought* the guy was my friend, but he's shown a very ugly, unpleasant and unsavory side of himself in these last couple of months."
Amy's eyes seemed full of horror. She sincerely hoped Adam was wrong. Matt was her friend, and he'd once been the blond man's friend as well. She didn't want to believe it possible that he might be scheming - and with Torrie Wilson, no less - to break her and Adam apart.
She was simply speechless. While a part of her wanted to disbelieve and deny her boyfriend's allegations, the deeper, wiser part of her saw otherwise. As Adam had stated, Matt *did* seem capable of anything these days. After all, it hadn't been very long ago that he'd just outrightly accused Adam of injuring her hands!
"Ames?" Adam cocked his head as he peered up into her beautiful but stricken face. She looked almost on the verge of tears, and it wrenched at his heart.
"Oh, God... You... you're right," she managed. "I think you're right!" Rather than giving in to the sob she'd felt building up inside of her, she scowled, anger washing it all away. "That no good bastard!"
"We won't give him the satisfaction," the Canadian declared emphatically. He raised her hands to his face, kissing each one in turn. "I love you, baby... And I'll be damned if I let a jerk like him tear us apart."
The redhead gazed down at her, one of her hands pulling free to hold him close against her breats. She nuzzled the top of his blond head, her own head spinning with the dizzying realizations. Adam pulled back just enough to look up, meeting her eyes again.
"I have an idea," he proclaimed. When she looked at him questioningly, he elaborated. "Let's do what we did before... That way, he'll leave us alone."
"Let's pretend we're not together," the blond man said. There was a determined gleam in his green orbs as he continued. "If he thinks we've broken up, he'll have no reason to fuck with us."
After a slight, initial momentary bout of skepticism and uncertainty, Amy nodded.
"That's not a bad idea at all."
But there was still something nagging at her.