"So, you *do* understand? I mean, why we're gonna do this?" the redhead asked, concern etched on her face. She glanced at her boyfreind sitting beside her in the booth, then back at her dear friend.
Jeff Hardy redirected his eyes to Amy's.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, of course I do." The young man nodded. "Matt's impossible, so I get why you'd want to pretend to break up in front of him." He kept his voice soft enough to be discreet, not that there was really anyone around. Well, there was *one* person who could prove to be trouble if they overheard this conversation...
... Jeff shifted his green eyes back to the woman. She was sitting alone at a solitary table, eating a meager breakfast of a pink grapefruit and a cup of coffee. Her shoulders were somewhat slumped, and even from this distance, the rainbow-haired man could see she hadn't gotten much sleep the prior night.
"Jeff? Hey, man, what's-"
Before Adam could finish, the younger Hardy brother rose, his hand up in a 'wait' gesture as he slipped away.
Torrie Wilson looked up abruptly, her heart pounding with nervousness as the young man suddenly appeared before her. She averted her eyes from his intense gaze, focusing instead on her coffee.
"Hello, Torrie."
"Hello, Jeff." She quickly raised her cup of the steaming beverage to her lips and took a long, big gulp - to the point that some of the hot liquid went down the wrong pipe. She began to cough and choke.
"Whoa... Are you okay?" the man asked. He was instantly nearer still, then patted her on the back to help.
The blonde's coughing subsided after a moment, but her eyes were now watering from the experience. She nodded.
"I think I'm better now. Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He eyed her for a beat, then, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disturb you or anything," Jeff said. He quickly glanced at Adam and Amy still at the booth but directed his attention back on Torrie in an instant. "Mind if I join you for just a bit?"
Torrie eyed him warily, silent for a beat. Then, she gave a short nod, and the young man sat down on the chair across from her.
Jeff stared at her for a long moment. It was so intense and unwavering that she actually felt a chill. He seemed to be peering right through her very soul.
"Is everything okay?" he asked.
The question caught the blonde woman off-guard.
"What do you... I mean, why do you ask?"
The young man shrugged.
"I dunno... You just look kind of upset about something. That concerned me."
Torrie gazed at him with wonder. Jeff Hardy was concerned for her? That was just... odd. But then again, so was he. He was definitely an enigma, to say the least. At the same time, he seemed to be the complete opposite of his older brother. She bit her lip, her head bowing as she recalled the previous night - Matt Hardy's hands and lips all over her body... Him inside of her, the heat of his body, and...
"I'm fine," Torrie said as she raised her head to meet the pair of kind green eyes before her. For his benefit, she forced a tiny smile she didn't feel.
Jeff studied her silently, not really believing her words. There was something about the tall blonde... She seemed so sad... lost. He didn't know why that second word had struck him, but instinctively, it seemed to fit her demeanor.
"All right," he finally said. "I was just checkin'. Well, listen, Torrie... If you ever wanna talk or anything, I'm a real good listener." He arched an eyebrow and eyed her steadily.
Despite herself, the blonde smiled - genuinely. It was a sweet gesture that touched her. Jeff Hardy most definitely *was* an enigma - but it was also crystal-clear that he had a good heart.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Smiling as well, the Hardy sibling rose and returned to the table he'd been staring with his friends.
"What was that all about?" Adam asked in sotto voce.
"I dunno, but she seemed upset."
Amy shook her head with disgust as she glanced the other woman's way.
"That bitch hit on Adam right in front of me the other night!" she exclaimed in a loud whisper.
"She did?" Jeff asked, surprised.
"You bet your daredevil ass she did!"
"Hmm..." The young man shrugged, not exactly sure what to make of that information. But he was sure of one
thing - Torrie Wilson was definitely troubled.