The single word left Adam's lips as he stared down into Amy's face incredulously. He couldn't help but wonder if he'd heard her correctly.
The woman shook her head, a look of extreme hopelessness crossing her features.
"I just..."
"Wait..." the blond man said, raising a finger to his lips to silence her. Glancing around the area furtively, he grabbed hold of her wrist, pulling her along. Seconds later, his warm, large hand took gentle hold of her much smaller one, and the redhead was nearly overwhelmed just by that small action and contact.
He quickly located an empty locker room and gently tugged her inside. She glanced at him almost fearfully as she stood there, watching him close - and even lock - the door behind him.
"Okay," he said as he turned back to face her, his face looking concerned and even perplexed, "now we can talk without anyone overhearing." He edged closer to her, and Amy felt herself back up until she felt a wall behind her. She was thankful that, as, at the moment, she didn't quite feel strong enough to stand of her own accord.
"What's going on?"
She swallowed hard, praying that the tears she idiotically felt wouldn't come. She shook her head, a lump in her throat.
"Adam, I..." She sighed. "Matt and I - we've been together five years now, and... Well, I realized that I don't really love him."
The blond man kept his gaze on hers, surprise filling him. He crossed his arms over his chest and didn't speak, instead vying for her to continue.
"I mean, I *love* him, but I just... not in *that* way." She raked a hand through her long red hair, a crestfallen expression overtaking her face as her gaze went heavenward. "In truth, I'm scared of being alone."
Adam cocked his head at her.
"You'd still have Mandy if you left him." It was on the tip of his tongue to say, 'and you'd still have *me*,' but he kept it in.
Amy nodded.
"I know... of course." A tiny smile touched her lips at his mention of her daughter's name - *their* daughter's name. If he only knew... She swallowed hard, feeling the tears pricking behind her eyelids. "I'm not just *scared* of being alone - the mere thought downright *terrifies* me."
"No one likes being alone."
"*You've* done it for the last few years," she pointed out, and Adam nearly flinched. Now was probably not the best time to tell her that was because he'd been pining away for her all these years, that no other woman he'd met had ever come *close* to measuring up to her.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Sometimes, it's just better that way, being alone." 'Great,' he thought, 'smart move... Now you're encouraging her against being with *anyone* - yourself included. Swift move, jackass!'
The redhead let out a soft, slightly choked sound as she felt the tears threaten to overwhelm her.
"My fear of being alone, and my wanting Mandy to... have a father... in her life... those are the reasons why I've stayed with Matt all this time."
Adam gazed at her tenderly, a warmth filling his heart toward this woman. She seemed so fragile and vulnerable. How different she now seemed from the way he'd usually perceived her. Normally, Amy Dumas was the epitome of strength - she was a fighter - a single mother, independent, following her dreams even after she'd been unable to pursue them years earlier, as she'd hoped. And she was doing a great job of raising little Mandy - what a fantastic mom she was, a true role model for her daughter. He respected her so immensely. She was so vital and strong, yet at the same time, she seemed so delicate. He wanted more than anything to support her, be her rock and strength when she herself wasn't *feeling* strong.
"The truth is," she went on, a single tear finally trickling its way down her cheek, "I... never got over Mandy's father..." Amy ducked her head, thoroughly ashamed as she willed herself to spit it out and tell him the truth. Now seemed to be as good a time as any to tell him.
Adam moved forward, his heart going out to her but jealousy and envy consuming him toward whomever
had fathered the redhead's child. He pulled her into his embrace, his arms wrapping around her shaking
form. He rocked her and held her for the longest time.