

Adam swallowed hard, somehow managing to stop the tears he could feel begging to fall. He couldn't recall when he'd felt more terrified in all his life. His precious little daughter was still missing, and Amy had collapsed. He'd nearly panicked as he'd called an ambulance.

The redhead had come to in the ambulance, as EMTs had attended to her. Thankfully, she'd been lucid and completely coherent, but just as they'd arrived at the hospital, she'd moaned and complained of pain. Even more frightening, she'd clutched her abdomen at the time.

The tall blond man was frantic with worry as he sat fidgeting in the waiting room. Because Amy was pregnant, they'd opted to check her into the hospital rather than just bringing her into the E.R.

Why did all this have to happen? Adam was plagued by that question. Hell, he didn't even know how it was that he was being very patient, or how he was even sitting down rather than pacing. However, he did feel incredibly hot - *too* hot - and sick to his stomach. He hoped he wasn't on the verge of a panic attack. He needed to stay strong. Lord knew, the last thing they needed was for *him* to need to be hospitalized as well.

"Mr. Copeland?"

He looked up sharply at the female doctor who'd spoken his name, leaping up instantly to meet her.

"I'm Dr. Roberts."

"How is my wife?" Adam asked, jumping right in and avoiding niceties. "Can I see her?"

"She's stable right now," the woman said, "and yes, you can see her. But first, I wanted to tell you what I've told her..."

The blond man fidgeted nervously, his temples throbbing. Damn it, he felt like he was going to throw up.


"She's suffering from extreme stress," Dr. Roberts explained. "And it could potentially cause her to lose the baby... She needs to take it easy over the next few months. I've ordered her some bed rest."

Adam's head was spinning as he reeled from the physician's words.

'And it could potentially cause her to lose the baby...'

"Oh, God," he breathed, his face feeling hotter still as he ran his hand through his long golden hair. "Well, you see, it might be difficult to avoid the stress," he began to explain. "You see, our six-year-old daughter is missing."

"Oh, my God," Roberts said, her face going ashen. Amy had not said a word of this to her, but it definitely explained the extent of stress the woman was under. "I'm so sorry. I hope you get her back."

"We will," Adam said firmly. He sincerely believed his own statement.

Roberts nodded.

"You wife is in room 342," she said. "Just down this corridor, make a left, and it's the second door."

"Thank you, doctor," the blond man said. He felt so glum as he turned to make his way to the woman. Damn it, she must be feeling so frightened right now. It was absolutely horrible - Mandy was missing, and now they might end up losing the baby Amy was carrying.

Adam swallowed hard as he came to the right room. He ducked inside, his gaze instantly falling on the redhead. She looked tiny, nearly engulfed in the hospital bed. Her face was pale, her head resting on the pillow and slightly turned away, toward the window on theother side of the room. But what really broke his heart were the wires and tubes, some hooked to her stomach. A fetal monitor was bleeping beside the bed. He supposed it was keeping track of the baby's heartbeat. Gently, he rapped on the door with his knuckles to alert the redhead.


Amy turned her head toward him, her hazel eyes looking so lost, lifeless, none of their usual fire present within. And damn it, Adam could detect twin tears shining in them.

"Adam... Adam, the doctor said I could lose the baby!" One of the tears slipped free, sliding its way down her cheek.

He went to her in an instant, up to the bed, where he gathered her in his arms, his head resting on her chest as he bent over more to her level. He took care not to lean on any of the wires.

Adam let out a weary sigh. His heart was breaking. Things couldn't be any more bleak. Well, they *could*, but the tall blond man didn't want to think about that. And again, he nearly lost control over the tears he'd felt building up inside him as he felt Amy's hand suddenly in his hair, tenderly stroking it.

Long moments of silence reigned as the couple were lost in their horrible, frightening thoughts. Christmas was almost upon them, and yet, it seemed there was suddenly nothing to celebrate.  

Part 74
