Adam's stomach was actually tied up in knots as he drove out there to that mall. He didn't quite understand why he was nervous when such a wonderful thing had happened - and was *about* to happen.
He parked in the parking lot, not caring about the cost to do so, even though he wouldn't be here even an hour. Only one thought was in his head at the moment - getting to Mandy and getting her back... Taking her home, and just in time for Christmas.
The tall blonde man raced for the Toys 'R Us, his anticipation increasing as he neared the store. His little girl was inside.
It was near closing time. He noted the time on the sign and disregarded it as he entered the store. It seemed strangely deserted in spite of the fact that the lights were on and it *wasn't* closed.
"Hello?" he called, glancing all around as he began down an aisle. He sincerely hoped this hadn't been a case of someone playing a horrible trick on him.
"Mr. Copeland?" a woman's voice called from his left. He looked up to see a pretty young woman heading toward him. She was a tall brunette, and her face seemed concerned yet curious.
"I'm Denise - I called you earlier about Mandy? I'm the Assistant Manager here."
"Nice to meet you... And please - call me Adam," he said, briskly shaking her hand.
"All right," she said with a small smile. "Please, come with me. Mandy is in the back," she explained.
The Canadian followed Denise through the store, all the way back through a private 'Employees Only' area, and finally to a meagerly-sized office. His eyes instantly fell on his small daughter, who was sitting at a big desk and immersed in something. As he drew nearer still, he saw that she was coloring in a coloring book. Also, there was another young woman there near her, talking softly to the child, as though offering comfort.
Just then, Mandy looked up as she realized they were no longer alone, and her eyes widened in surprise and delight as she saw him.
"Daddy!" She sprang up and ran right over to him as the tall blond man knelt with open arms.
"Baby!" he said, his oy at that moment so great, it was indescribable. "Mandy... God, I've got you back!" Adam stroked the child's soft long hair as he felt himself getting choked up. "Are you all right, kiddo?"
The girl nodded as she kept herself in his embrace.
"I... I don't feel so good."
Adam held his daughter back and looked into her face with concern for a beat. Then, shifting his gaze back to Denise, he smiled slightly and gave a nod.
"I can't thank you enough."
"Don't mention it," she said. "There's no need to thank me."
The Canadian eyed Mandy again, his green gaze filled with concern.
"You don't feel well?" he asked. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" Tenderly, he placed his hands on her tiny face, alarmed to find it warm to the touch. She definitely had a fever.
"My tummy."
"Oh, God," Adam said. "And you feel warm... You poor thing." He kissed her forehead and felt his daughter's hands in his long hair. "We're gonna go home to your Mommy, and you'll feel better."
Mandy looked into her father's handsome face. Even though she was sick, she'd never felt so happy to see someone.
"I love you, Daddy," she said.
Adam swallowed the lump that had quickly formed in his throat.
"I love you, too, kiddo." He hugged her again. He decided he would ask her about Matt and the few days she'd been with him later on. Again, he turned to Denise as well as the other girl, with whom the child had been coloring.
"Thank you again... so much." He straightened and reached for his wallet. "Please accept this."
The young woman looked down to see the hundred dollar bill he was offering her. Surprised, she shook her head.
"Oh, no, I couldn't."
"I insist," Adam pressed. "If it weren't for you, I might not have gotten my daughter back. Please." He literally put the bill into the woman's hand and smiled. "Merry Christmas."
Denise started to shake her head again, disbelieve gripping her. This man did *not* have to give her a reward. However, she knew he wasn't going to let her *not* accept it.
"I... Thank you," she said.
"Merry Christmas." The tall blond wrestler was smiling, one hand now gripping the tiny right one of his little girl.
"Goodbye, Mandy... Feel better. Have a Merry Christmas! You're back with your dad!"
The child smiled in spite of being sick.
"Merry Christmas."
"Well, let me walk you two out," Denise said, and Mandy waved at the other young woman as her father smiled and gave a nod. The girl waved goodbye, and they followed the Assistant Manager of the Toys 'R Us out.
Once in the parking lot, Adam noticed how heavy Mandy's lids seemed to be getting. He was worried. He knew she had a fever, and damn it, he wanted to get her home as soon as possible.
"Come on, Blondie," he quipped, and he stooped over to lift her slight weight up into his arms. He carried his daughter to the car, her head resting against his shoulder. As soon as he got her inside, he had her buckled into the passenger's seat in no time, and they were off, heading for home.
It wasn't too long before Mandy fell fast asleep.