Edge gazed at the back of Lita's head as the young woman continued to sit at her table.
She was alone and had been ever since Eddy Guerrero and Chyna had decided to leave - probably to go back up to their room to have sex - and instead of leaving to go back to her own room, the redhead had opted to stay.
The tall blond man had actually considered going over to their table to ask if he could join them, but he'd decided against it. Guerrero wasn't all that bad, but his girlfriend wasn't all that crazy about him. Not to mention the fact that, although Edge would never admit it, Chyna kind of scared him. Besides, none of the three occupants of that table liked him.
Now, however, with five and a half beers in his system, he was feeling particularly nervy. Lifting his glass, he came around to the table directly before him, and sat down without bothering to be invited - which had about as much chance of a snowball flying through hell, anyway.
At first, to Edge's surprise, the redheaded diva didn't even seem to notice him, even though he was sitting directly across from her. Her head was slightly down, eyes staring at the tiny straw in her half-finished margarita. From the other glasses to her right, he could see that this was her third drink.
Edge squinted at her. Lita looked about as lonely as he felt. The feeling for him got even worse when he thought about Christian and Stephanie, and what they were doing back in his room right now.
The Women's champion suddenly looked up, her face initially showing shock at his presence at her table. Then, quick as a flash, that expression changed to contempt.
"What are you doing over here?"
"Just thought I'd join you..." he replied, folding his hands on the table. She instantly moved her own hands away, as his were suddenly too close to hers for comfort.
Edge snorted as he laughed. "Why ask why? Why not?"
Lita looked at him suspiciously, crossing her arms over her chest. This was just exactly what she needed - for this jerk to suddenly feel drunk enough to be nice toward her. If she didn't force him to get lost or get up and leave herself, she'd never get rid of him - she'd be stuck with him the entire night.
Glaring directly into his eyes, she said, "I hate you..."
He chuckled. "Well, I guess we're even then, baby - 'cuz I hate you, too..."
"Would you mind going back to your own table?" she spat angrily as the man continued sitting there despite their most recent exchange. Her ire increased as he took several long gulps of his beer. If he ended up puking on her, she'd teach him a lesson he'd never forget.
"Why? You think you're better than me?" Edge raised his voice so that the entire bar could hear him. "Oh, listen to that - lovely Lita thinks she's better than me!"
The redhead ducked her head in embarrassment, holding it in both her hands before looking back up at him. She shot him a murderous look as she spoke.
"Shut up! You are drunk, and you're loud, and you're embarrassing me..." The truth was, she was feeling a bit tipsy herself, but she wasn't quite where he was yet.
"If you don't wanna be here with me, why don't you leave?" the blond man said, his green eyes fixed on her, a sly smirk on his face.
Lita rolled her eyes. "I'll tell you why, Edge...because I refuse to leave my own table. You came here to me, not the other way around...besides, you're too insignificant an annoyance to drive me away..."
"Hey...that hurt!" he cried an expression to go along with his words displayed on his face.
The redhead blinked, suddenly feeling bad for what she'd just said. The Canadian actually looked genuinely hurt, which came as a great shock to her. But the only reason he'd come over in the first place was because he was drunk. She couldn't imagine that, even then, he would be nice to her.
Sighing, she ran a hand through her auburn locks, hating herself as she spoke. "Okay, okay...fine, Edge. You can sit here with me - but only if you're nice..."
"I'm always nice..."
"Right..." Lita let out a derisive little laugh as she sipped some more of her margarita. "...so that's why you've taken me down with that spear of yours so many times..."
"Hey," he said, putting his hands up in a defensive gesture, "I only do that to girls I kind of like..."
What? she thought, doing a double-take. Did Edge just say he likes me? Actually, he said "kind of like" - so that doesn't count. Aloud, she asked, "What the heck are you jabbering about?"
"Well, lemme ask you this, lovely Lita...Have I ever speared any other woman?"
The diva didn't have to think about that long at all. "Yeah - Terri...although she deserved it for being such a bitch to you and Christian at the time..." She knew all about how the Hardys' former manager had turned on them after being put through a table by the Dudley Boyz. The tiny blonde had definitely had more up her sleeve than anyone had bargained for, as she'd ended up distracting the two blond Canadians in several matches thereafter. She'd cost Edge and Christian a very big match on SmackDown early in the year, but they were going to let that slide - that is, until Edge had seen the Little She-Devil mocking them behind his back on the big screen.
"Well, see?" Edge said. "And I did that to Terri and I didn't even like her!"
Lita rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Edge, you're confused...you just told me you've only speared me because you 'kind of like' me, and now you're saying you don't like Terri, yet you did the same thing to her...I think you've had enough to drink..." She reached out to grab his beer glass, but he snatched it up possessively before her hand could make contact with it. He tossed down the rest of the beverage, grinning at her with triumph.
The redhead shook her head as she stared at him. "Fine, have it your way...just don't throw up on me, or you'll be sorry..." she threatened.
"Oh, shut up, woman! Have another drink..." the blond man quipped, and he quickly signaled for the waitress nearby.
"She'll have another margarita, and I'll have another Bud..." he told the waitress, and before Lita could protest, the woman was gone.
Lita stared at him in annoyance. "Who told you I wanted another one?"
"Chill! Don't worry, it's on me," Edge said with a smirk.
"Ahh, what the hell..." the redhead said with a shrug as she finished the rest of the drink she still had. She decided that she might as well loosen up. After all, the Canadian was actually acting civil toward her - for once.