Inside of Me


*One Week Later*

Adam hurried into the arena, dragging his wheeled suitcase along. It had been a few days since he'd seen her, and he was anxious - anxious to see her again.

Life was funny, he thought. Amy was his ex-girlfriend. She'd ended their relationship and pretty much immediately had moved on and started dating another man in that jerk John Cena. And yet, why was it that he couldn't seem to get her out of his mind?

The blond man let out a sigh as he thought about the answer to his question. He'd never gotten over her. When they'd broken up, he'd never seen it coming, hadn't even *wanted* it even though he'd been a total ass toward her that last month or so. And now, somehow, he just couldn't step back or stay away. Two and a half months after the breakup, he'd called her. It had been quite late, into the wee hours of the morning, probably two or two-thirty. Naturally, she hadn't answered, but he'd left her a voicemail on her cell phone.

In spite of being more than a little buzzed that particular night, Adam remembered it well. He'd wanted more than anything to meet up with the redhead. Of course, she hadn't called him back, but then again, she'd had Cena.

He headed in the direction of the locker rooms, intent on getting to his and preparing for his match for the evening. It was against Chris Benoit, so he knew he'd better be sharp, on top of his game.

The tall blond man was wondering how Jay was making out with Dawn Marie when he was suddenly distracted. All the fine hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he noticed the scene from the corner of his eye.

Damn it... Damn it all to hell. Damn *him*... John Cena... the Vanilla Ice wannabe was standing near the wall, a smirk on his face as he talked with Torrie Wilson. The blonde diva donned a big smile on her face, and the two were speaking in soft tones. From Adam's perspective, it appeared as though Cena was flirting with Torrie. Of course, he couldn't be absolutely sure - but that was sure how it looked.

He couldn't help himself. He outrightly stared as he passed them by, a look of disgust on his face. What if this idiot was actually cheating on Amy with the blonde bimbo? The mere idea of that didn't sit well with him. Amy deserved better - *far* better. But regardless of unfaithfulness, she deserved better than an immature asshole who preferred his friends over his girlfriend.

Neither Cena nor Torrie seemed aware of him despite his cold, staring hostility. Adam had half a mind to just confront the other man right here and now, but then he quickly discarded the idea. He decided he would rather just see Amy instead. Maybe he could even convince her to spend some time with him after the show, when they were through for the night. After all, at his estimation, Cena probably wouldn't be bothering to spend a quality evening with her.

Once he reached his locker room for that night, Adam let go of his suitcase, letting it sit near the door. He reached for his cell phone, not caring about the consequences - he was calling her right now. In any case, he knew that idiot wasn't with her, so he didn't have to worry about the man acting possessive and nuts toward her.


To Adam, Amy sounded somewhat surprised to hear from him. It had been a few days since they'd last spoken.

"Hey, it's me," he said. He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. Somehow, there had always been something about her... She made him smile, made him happy. What a damned fool he'd been in allowing her to slip away the way she had.

"Hey," she replied. "How are you?"

"Much better," he said. "I heard you're well again, too."

Amy laughed softly on the other end.

"Yeah," she said. "Thank goodness... That cold was death."

The blond man cast around his brain for something to say - something other than what was actually on his mind, but he was coming up blank. He decided it was no use beating around the bush.

"I was wondering... Would you meet up with me later?"

Part 13
