Here you will find original *long series* Fan Fics written by and © to me (Renee). All of these stories focus on Edge and Lita as being the main characters/pairings. All of these stories are currently still in progress.
47) Title: Cracked
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Suspense, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Torrie/Jeff, Candice/Randy, Vince, Michelle, others
Spoilers: Not really any, but starts December 2007
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations
Summary: Torrie's life spirals into an unbelievable nightmare
Note: This one just struck me out of the blue. Don't ask me to explain!
48) Title: Savior Self
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Melina/Morrison, Batista, Jillian/?, others
Spoilers: none really, but taking place sometime in the second half of 2007
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations
Summary: Melina deals with some tough issues in the workplace and in her personal life
49) Title: Divas In the City
Rating: R
Category: Comedy, Romance, Drama, Angst
Characters: Lita, Trish, Candice Michelle, Victoria, Edge, Jeff, Randy, Kane, Kelly Kelly, more
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations, maybe some Violence in spots
Summary: AU (but not totally and I'll explain why below)
Note: This fic is based on the TV show Sex and the City!
50) Title: Beautiful Addiction
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Ashley/Jeff, Matt, others
Spoilers: March 13, 2008, after Matt Hardy's "cryptic" MySpace blog
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Summary: Matt's blog about two people close to him has its repercussions
Note: This one was BEGGING to be written after I read the blog in question
51) Title: Simply Phenomenal
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama, Romance (TNA)
Characters/Pairings: Karen/AJ, Christy/Jimmy Rave, Kurt, Tomko, others
Spoilers: March 13, 2008 iMPACT!
Warnings: Strong Language, (maybe) Some Sexual Situations, Violence
Summary: Karen has a bombshell for AJ
52) Title: Switcheroo
Rating: PG-13
Category: Drama/Comedy, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Ashley/Punk, Maryse/Edge, Vickie, others
Spoilers: None, but beginning May 2008
Warnings: Strong Language, (maybe) Some Sexual Situations, Violence
Summary: Somehow, CM Punk and Edge awaken to discover they've switched bodies!
Note: This one actually came to me in a dream. It was so cool and bizarre that I just HAD to make it a fic!
53) Title: Back For More
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Angst, Romance, Suspense/Mystery, partly Horror
Characters/Pairings: Lita/Edge, Stephanie/Christian, Jericho, Candice Michelle, others
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Summary: Chris Jericho returns to wreak havoc in the lives of Adam and Amy
Note: This is the long-awaited sequel to Soulmates!
54) Title: Sweet Sacrifice
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Angst, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Jillian/Randy, Melina/Edge, Ashley, Vince, others
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Summary: Jillian is sick and tired of being treated as RAW's resident diva jobber and tries to change
her destiny. However, she is met by one huge obstacle that threatens her career altogether.
55) Title: Out In the Cold
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Angst, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Lita/Edge, others to be determined
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations
Summary: Something huge changes Adam's life forever (poor summary)
56) Title: Healing Hearts
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Angst, Romance
Characters: Lita, Edge, Matt Hardy, Trish, possible others
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Possible Character Suicide Attempt
Summary: Amy gets her heart broken but slowly heals (poor summary)
Note: This is my own personal iPod shuffle challenge. Each chapter features lyrics by a song in a 10-song shuffle off
my iPod. Chapters will have the song's name with the artist in parentheses
*Disclaimer: These are all works of fiction, done by yours truly. All characters belong to the WWE and themselves.