Adam felt sulky as he sat in the locker room. It seemed the little investigation Shane McMahon had insisted would take place wasn't getting anywhere.
Gene Snitsky hadn't offered anything of value. He'd merely stated that he'd over-hypothesized the spot in his match with Glen, and that it had all been an accident. At least that was what Shane had told him and Amy when reporting to them. It seemed there was certainly more to it than that, but they were still on square one.
He recalled the therapy session he and the redhead had attended the previous Wednesday. Although it was good to talk openly, he couldn't help but feel as though that too was getting them nowhere.
There was a knock at the door, and the blond man didn't even bother looking up.
"Come in."
He heard the door open, and Amy poked her head in. She wasn't alone, either, as he noticed Shane McMahon standing just behind her out in the hall. The redhead didn't speak at first, instead making a "come here" gesture with her right hand.
"What's up?" he asked her.
She sighed tiredly.
"Adam, Shane wants us to have another meeting with Eric," she said.
The tall blond man rose, rolling his eyes. It was no use trying to conceal his aggravation. Besides, the boss' son knew how 'fond' he was of the RAW General Manager. The way he saw it, better to get this over with sooner rather than later.
The three of them made their short way down the hall until they reached the room the man was using as his office. Shane stepped ahead of the married couple to take it upon himself to knock. He then opened the door without bothering to wait for a response.
Bischoff looked no more thrilled than either Adam or Amy did. He didn't stand up to welcome them and merely pointed toward three chairs set up before his desk.
While the Canadian and his redheaded wife sat down, Shane instead opted to stand. After all, he had a lot more power than Bischoff, anyway.
"Okay, then," the young man began, deciding to take the reigns himself. "Eric and I have been discussing the two of you, and we wanted to brief you about it."
Adam and Amy quickly exchanged glances.
"We're still looking into the Snitsky incident," Shane continued. The comment caused negative reactions out of both of them. So, now the miscarriage, the loss of the Copeland baby was being referred to as 'the Snitsky incident?'
"Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of that. We actually suspect that somebody put him up to it."
Adam frowned at the dark-haired man's words. They did, however, make sense. After all, Snitsky barely knew them. Therefore, he couldn't possibly have had anything in for them to want to cause them so much misery - not to mention such a tragic loss.
"As for your current storylines," Shane prodded on, breaking the blond man from his bitter thoughts, "we have major plans for both of you."
Amy sat there, rapt, completely hiding her true emotions. She supposed the same old storyline, with Lita being married to Kane and wanting vengeance because of her unborn child's demise, would continue. She hated it and couldn't wait for the day it would end. She knew that Glen found it disturbing that they'd been scripted to enact it as well, but the big man's plea on her part had had no effect on Bischoff. The General Manager was a cold, unfeeling jerk - there was no denying it.
"Going along with what's been going on lately," the McMahon heir went on, looking pointedly at Adam, "we've decided to turn your character of Edge into a heel. It's the only way to explain your actions since you've been back."
The blond man didn't say a word. He didn't object to this, however, as he knew he'd always done well portraying a heel.
Shane then turned back to the redhead, gesturing with both his hands as he spoke.
"And as for you... We're going to take away a lot of the focus on your real life tragedy but continue Lita's feud with Trish."
Amy arched both eyebrows in surprise. She exchanged glances with her husband, whose reaction appeared to mirror her own. So far, she was liking what she was hearing.
"And on top of that," the man continued, "you will be winning the Women's Championship by year's end."
The three of them stared over at Eric Bischoff following his short, sudden outburst. The man stood up, annoyed by this, as it was the first time he was even hearing this news. Amy had to fight against scowling as he approached Shane.
"What are you talking about? We never discussed that!" the General Manager exclaimed.
"Well, it's what's been decided by the McMahon camp," Shane declared, leaving no room for argument. He cast a glance over at the Copelands, both of whom looked grateful.
Thank you, the redhead mouthed.
Bischoff could not believe what he was hearing. And, even if the rich brat was going to insist on awarding the
bitch like that, he would do anything in his power to make her title reign miserable. He'd see to it.