"Glen, why are they doing this to me? Why?"
The man who played the character of Kane studied the redheaded woman, who looked so distressed. He sympathized with her, but he knew that nothing he said knew that nothing he said to answer her question would make her feel any better. He shook his head.
"I don't know, Amy," he said, swallowing hard.
The unhappy woman stopped pacing the locker room and sat down. She raised her hands to her temples, rubbing them as she closed her eyes. She knew in the end of this whole mess, she would be winning the Women's Championship off of Trish... but in the interim, she was supposed to be having several run-ins with Gene Snitsky. He was just about the last person she wanted to deal with, considering he was the reason she'd suffered her miscarriage.
"I don't think I can do it, Glen," she moaned. She was near tears, feeling damn defeated. There were days where she just wanted to curl up and die... Today was definitely one of those days.
"Sure you can," the big man replied. He placed one of his large hands on her shoulder in a consoling manner.
She opened her eyes and peered up at him miserably.
"You can do it, Amy," Glen repeated. "You've got to be pretty much the strongest woman I know. I admire you for having the courage to continue on after what's happened. You've got a lot of spunk, kid." He smiled, hoping to get some sort of positive reaction out of the redhead. He hated seeing her so down and missed the Amy he'd known and with whom he'd worked prior to September.
Somehow, the woman found herself smiling - just a tiny bit, but she did so nonetheless. Glen had that kind of effect on her, though she sighed and moved her hands to her thighs.
"Thank you. That really does mean a lot," she said.
"Glad I was at least able to put a smile on your face." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, in the direction of the hallway. "Come on, let's go get you to your husband. I've got a meeting with Shane and Bischoff in a few."
"Oh, that's right. I forgot about that," she said as she rose from her seat. The General Manager and the elder McMahon offspring wanted to discuss an upcoming storyline idea for Kane. She hadn't been invited to it in spite of the fact that her Lita character was his wife, but she knew Glen would tell her all about it later.
As they stepped out into the hallway together, Amy suddenly froze in her tracks. Her gaze was drawn to a figure some distance down the hall, and Glen frowned at that. He moved out from behind her and squinted, following her line of vision. And that was when he realized who she'd seen and why she seemed so stiff all of a sudden...
... Gene Snitsky was just entering a room.
"Amy," the man beside her said, gently shaking the redhead's shoulder, "come on."
The diva let out a heavily held breath, her gaze hardening. She snapped out of it and followed her friend and coworker to another locker room.
"I'll leave you here," the big man announced. "Meeting's probably just starting." He knocked on the door for her and then left.
Adam peered out at his wife as he opened the door.
"Hey, Ames," he said, ushering her inside with a sweep of his arm. "How are you holding up?"
"It's been hard," she sighed. "Good thing Glen's been keeping me sane."
Glen had just seated himself in a chair in Bischoff's office. To his disgust, Snitsky was there as well. He glowered at the man before turning back to Shane and the RAW General Manager.
"What's he doing here?" he demanded.
"Now, Glen," Shane began, his hands held up placatingly, "hear me out... We figured that since the accident-"
"By 'accident,' you mean my manager's miscarriage," Jacobs muttered, stating it not as a question.
"Well, yes," the young man said. He quickly exchanged glances with Eric, who had yet to speak but whom appeared about as satisified as a cat that had just swallowed a canary. "As I was saying, we've decided to incorporate the incident into a storyline - which you already know."
"Uh huh." Glen shifted his gaze to Snitsky, glaring death into him.
"We're gonna have you and Gene here," Bischoff continued, giving Shane a pointed look, "continue this as a feud between the two of you guys." He grinned, templing his fingers.
Snitsky said nothing and merely stared at the GM's desk, head slightly down.
"Oh, well that's just great!" Glen exclaimed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "At least I get to beat the
holy hell out of him for what he did to my friend!"