Sweet Misery


Lita was fuming as she got to the backstage room.

She began to pace the length of the tiny area, wanting nothing more than to go back out there and shatter the blonde woman's face with her fist. What the hell was that plastic bimbo Torrie Wilson even doing here? She should have been back there, with Lita's own ex-boyfriend, Dave Batista!

The door suddenly opened, and Chris stepped in, the redhead meeting his concerned blue eyes for a beat before she turned away.


Amy turned back to face her friend.

"What happened out there? You looked - look - pissed enough to murder someone..." Jericho said.

"Oh, you can say that..." she replied as she clenched both hands into fists.

"What did it?" Chris questioned, his eyes fixed to her face. "You were looking in Trish's direction, but you two didn't have a spat or anything, did you?"

"No - of course not...Trish is a sweetheart," the redhead stated as she ran a hand through her long hair.

"That other girl...?" Jericho arched an eyebrow as he asked.

Lita rolled her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Fuck yes!"

"Shh...Don't say that!" Chris exclaimed in a loud whisper. "People'll think we're having hot sex in here..."

The young woman shot him a dirty look, obviously unamused.

"Sorry...I was just trying to lighten the mood...So," he continued, changing back to the original subject at hand, "what's the deal?"

"That girl...That whore that was talking to Trish was single-handedly responsible for the end of my relationship..." Lita explained. "With my boyfriend, and with my band..."

"Well, not single-handedly," Chris pointed out. "If your boyfriend cheated on you with her, they were both responsible..."


There was a brief silence as Jericho thought about what to say next. He chewed on his lower lip for a moment as something occurred to him, then was interrupted.

A knock sounded at the door.

The two exchanged glances, the blond man giving Lita a questioning look, as though asking if it were all right if they had company.

"Yeah, come in..." the redhead called.

The rest of Sweet Misery, Trish in front and rushing to her, entered the room.

"Hey, Li - you okay?" Edge asked, and Lita noted the concern in his brilliant green eyes. To think that only a few days earlier, she and the tall guitarist couldn't stand one another. Now, it was obvious he cared.

She didn't respond verbally at first and instead merely spoke with her eyes.

"I...will be..."

The tallest of the men in the room arched a brow at that. He honestly didn't know what to think of such an answer.

Trish eyed Lita knowingly, and the redhead met her eyes. The little blonde cocked her head slightly to one side, as though attempting to silently communicate with her.

"All right...Well, if all is dandy, we better get back out there..." Chris said, and it was then that Lita realized exactly how clueless men truly were.

"Come on, babe..." Christian said, reaching for Trish's hand as he followed Jericho and Edge, who'd lingered a bit, to the door.

"Hang on, honey...I'll be right there..."

"Oh..." The blond man glanced at Lita before speaking again. "Okay, I understand..." Then he left, and the two women were alone.

Trish eyed her friend with concern.

"It was that Torrie person that got you so upset, wasn't it?"

The redhead nearly did a double-take of surprise at the blonde's words.

"How did you know that?"

"The annoying bitch told me she knew you - and how she knew you..." Trish replied.

Lita felt her blood boiling and curled her hands into fists yet again...

Part 16
