Nothing I've Become


Lita was working for less than two hours when it happened. She honestly hadn't seen it coming, and certainly not here at work. Next time, she wouldn't delude herself - or, at least she wouldn't if there even was a 'next time.'

"Why didn't you tell me?"

The redhead turned in her tracks to see Trish staring at her with concern. The blonde had her hands on her hips as she seemed to be awaiting an answer. Lita tried to play oblivious.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, Lita!" came the response. Trish followed the taller woman into the kitchen. "You know! So, that's why you 'forgot' about our double date that night?"

Ignoring the little blonde for the time being, Lita launched on Chris, who was at the stove, as usual. She was so angry she could barely see straight.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jericho? I tell you something in confidence and you blab it?!"

"Whoa!" the man said, taken aback. He knew she'd be upset, but not to this extent. "I only told Trish, and that was because we were both very worried about you."

"But you had no right! No right, Chris!" she shouted.

"Shh!" Jericho said in a loud whisper. "You want the diners, or worse, Stephanie, to hear you? That'll only make it worse."

"Lita, please don't be angry at Chris," Trish pleaded. "He's right. We are worried. We only want to help. That's why I wish you would have confided in me."

"Well, I understand that, Trish," the redhead answered, "but there's really no way you can help." She sighed with resignation. "Look, I appreciate you both being concerned. But this is something that has to be worked out on its own." She didn't verbalize that she was actually afraid Edge might try to do something stupid, like confront Christian himself. She knew they needed to involve the police in this matter, regardless of how fearful her boyfriend was of doing that.

"You can't be serious," Trish said. She eyed her friend with disbelief. "Did you see Dawn Marie? She collapsed on the floor out there, bruised and bloody! Tell me how that's something that can just 'work itself out!'"

Lita bowed her head and kept silent as she imagined the scene. And then, she recalled seeing her friend in that hospital bed, looking all broken and bruised. It had been a miracle she hadn't been killed, what with her accepting the gun Edge had given her.

"Trish, that's enough," Jericho said gently. He gazed at the redhead, seeing just how tortured she was inside. He knew she was already beating herself up over all the guilt. And really, nothing that had happened was any of her fault. He thought a good portion of it was Edge's fault, but not her own.

"Seriously, though," he said, addressing the redhead, "this has to stop... before someone gets killed. This Christian guy is obviously dangerous." As the woman raised her gaze to meet his eyes, he continued. "I really think you need to contact the proper authorities. Call the police, the FBI... Let them hangle it from here on out. Please, Lita."

Trish nodded as Lita shifted her gaze to her as well. She saw deep fear and concern shining through the woman's brown eyes. And she knew Jericho was right... Hell, she had just been acknowledging that law enforcement officers needed to be called to handle it. Slowly, she nodded.

"You're right... You're both right. This thing is too deep for us to handle on our own."

Trish edged closer to her and rubbed her arm gently. The gesture was met with appreciation as Lita took strength from her friend's support. She took a deep breath and exhaled it evenly, making up her mind.

"I'm gonna go make a phone call," she said, her head nearly spinning. She turned to leave the kitchen but stopped to turn back to face her two friends. Her voice nearly broke.

"Thank you."

Moments later, she was at the payphone near the restrooms. A sinking feeling overtook her, however, as she dialed her home number. The phone rang and her own voice on the answering machine came on.

Her stomach stared to churn with discomfort. Edge had gone out... And she had a sickening sensation that she knew his reason behind it.

Part 50
