On The Outside

"No!  I won't do that!" the angry young man snapped, his voice rising in his irritation.  "Ask me to do anything, but I refuse to do that!"

"Look, pal..." Chief Sean Morley said, his tone extremely patronizing, the normally smug expression on his face gone and replaced by anger.  He pointed an almost accusatory finger at the man standing before him before continuing.  "Mr. Bischoff wants you to do this.  The idea is to make you a heel, and what better way to do it than this?"

"Frankly, I don't give a shit what Bischoff wants.  I am not going to resort to physically attacking a woman for the sake of the God damn storyline!"  Adam Copeland felt his blood pressure practically skyrocketing as he glared steadily into the other man's face.  God, he hated this prick Morley.  He hated Eric Bischoff even more, horribly disappointed that, since the roster splits had ended, Vince McMahon had appointed these two solely in charge.  Vince's daughter, Stephanie, had been a great General Manager on SmackDown.  Adam highly regretted that the brunette was no longer in charge - but McMahon had decided to put her back with Chris Jericho as his 'business partner.'

Chief Morley ran a hand down his face in annoyance, his patience wearing thin with the tall blond man.

"Maybe I oughtta get Mr. Bischoff.  And then, you can take up all your grievances with him.  This is what he wants, Adam.  He enlisted me to talk to you about this idea, and-"

"God ahead...go get him," Adam interrupted.  "Don't think I won't tell Bischoff what I think of his so-called idea to his face..."  The Canadian had no problem whatsoever with telling the man what he thought of this proposed storyline.  What's more, he had no qualms about telling off the former WCW president, either.

"Fine - I will, then," the Chief of Staff insisted, and then, glaring at the blond, he snatched up his cell phone.  Flipping it open, he pressed a button and held the device up to his ear.

As Adam watched Morley with contempt, a frown dominated his face when the man spoke.

"Mr. Bischoff, there's a small problem...Yes...Would you mind coming to my office to straighten this out?"  He looked at the man standing nearby, noting the even angrier expression on his face, and the way his arms crossed over his chest.

"Okay...Thanks, Mr. Bischoff..."  After pressing a button to end the call, Morley met the tall blond man's angry green gaze squarely.

"He'll be here in a second."

A moment later, true to his word, Eric Bischoff entered the room without so much as a knock.  All the fine hairs on the back of Adam's neck stood on end, and he narrowed his eyes as he stared down at the man... The man who, unfortunately, was the boss.

"What seems to be the problem here, Chief?" Bischoff asked, his dark eyes still fixed to the blond man's face.  He didn't shift his gaze to his right-hand man for even a beat as he voiced the question, nor when Morley responded.

"Mr. Copeland here doesn't want to comply with your wishes...He doesn't want to participate in your storyline."

"Well, is that so?"  The boss moved closer to Adam, peering up into his face with annoyance.  "Why is that, Copeland?  You think you're too good to allow Edge to turn heel?"

"No..." the Canadian spat, trying to reign in his temper as best he could.  "But I have a problem with the way you want me to turn.  I won't attack a diva, no matter how much you want me to..."

"Oh, come now, Copeland!" Bischoff said.  "I'm sure she won't mind...In fact, I'm certain she'll comply with the storyline..."

The tall blond man stared at the boss with surprise.  "You mean you haven't even brought this up to her yet?"

"Not yet," the man replied, and Adam's feelings twisted to disgust once again as he noticed the smirk that had suddenly come over Morley's face.  "But I have a feeling that Miss Amy Dumas won't argue.  As a matter of fact, neither of you should - because if you don't go along with this idea of mine, you'll both be fired!"  Bischoff smiled as he spoke those last four words.

The blond Canadian stared at him angrily, his hands clenching unconsciously into fists at his sides.

Part 2
