My Own Prison


Moments after he'd been attacked in his locker room, Chris' cell phone began ringing.  He picked it up from where he'd dropped it on the floor and answered it in a hurry.

"Hello?  Yeah...uh huh..." he muttered.  "Look, we may have a problem on our hands - get the women togther and meet me here ASAP..."

After a moment, he ended the call and dropped the phone on the small coffee table several feet away.

Chris nervously paced the floor for a few minutes as he waited for the others.  Running a hand through his long blond hair, he wondered how they were going to keep up with their plan after what had happened a little earlier.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and Jericho couldn't help but have his guard up - Shawn Michaels had forced his way in once, so what was to say he wouldn't do it again?  He kept himself in a defensive stance, right fist clenched as someone entered.

Stacy did a bit of a double-take, her brown eyes darting to the man's fist.

"Don't hit me!" she called in a loud whisper, both hands up in a placating gesture.

Chris visibly relaxed, then realized that behind the blonde diva were his cousin and her boyfriend.  As soon as all three were inside, Edge shut and locked the door behind him.

"What happened, Chris?" the tall blond man asked.  He wanted to ask the question both times they'd been on the phone together, but hadn't had a chance.

Jericho sighed.

"It looks like you," he said, now regarding the leggy diva meaningfully, "have got yourself a white knight..."

"Huh?  What are you talking about?" Stacy asked, her face confused.  She glanced from Chris to Edge, then to Lita, who shrugged.

"Not 'what' - who - Shawn Michaels."

"Is that what I heard?" Edge asked with a frown.  "Shawn Michaels attacked you?"

"Damn straight, Junior..."  Then, turning back to face Stacy, he continued.  "The man jumped me in my own locker room - threatening I never touch you again!  For crissake, he said he'd make me wish I were a woman if I ever came near you again!"

The tall blonde woman's surprised expression changed gradually so that she was suddenly grinning.

"What the hell are you smiling about, woman?" the agitated Jericho demanded.

Stacy wasn't the least bit swayed by the blond man's sharp tone.

"I can't believe he did that for me!  How sweet!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together in delight.  She turned toward Lita, who was also now smiling.  The two women started chattering about Shawn's valiance and about how chivalry was not dead, and suddenly Chris couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh, help me..." he muttered, walking away from them and pinching the bridge of his nose impatiently.

"Stacy, Chris has a point," the other blond man spoke.  "If Michaels really thinks you're in danger and he's taken it upon himself to be your 'protector,' things can get real ugly..."

"Thank you!" Y2J exclaimed.  "At least someone gets my point!"

Stacy exchanged glances with Lita, the redhead's smile now completely vanished.

"Oh,'re right...I didn't consider the implications..."  After a beat, the blonde diva glanced from Jericho to Edge, then back again.  "Well, maybe I should just tell Shawn the truth..."

"No!" Chris cried, eyeing her incredulously.  "Are you kidding?"

"No," Stacy said.  "What's the big deal, Chris?  If I tell him, he'll probably back off on you!"

"No way..."  Jericho gave a sarcastic little laugh.  "My dear Stacy - how would you like having to explain how your dear, sweet, darling boyfriend Test is a vicious, violent, blackmailing rapist?" he said, the blonde blanched - but that wasn't all that bad.  Not when his cousin was wincing with the blunt, painful reminder of what she'd been through.

"Jeez, Chris!" Edge snapped, putting his arms around the redhead, who seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"Damn...I'm so sorry, Li..."

The shaken woman raised her head from where she'd leaned it against her boyfriend's chest and nodded.  "'s okay, Chris - I know you were only trying to make a point to Stacy..."

"And point taken," the leggy blonde said, her expression crestfallen.

"Good," Jericho said.  He only hoped there would not be even more extenuating circumstances that might possibly require Stacy to talk...

Part 13
