InVasion, July 22, 2001
{A court is
in session, a verdict is in
No appeal
on the docket today
Just my own
The walls
are cold and pale
The cage made
of steel
Screams fill
the room
Alone I drop
and kneel
Silence now
the sound
My breath
the only motion around
Demons cluttering
My face showing
no emotion
Shackled by
my sentence
no return
Here there
is no penance
My skin begins
to burn
So I held my
head up high
Hiding hate
that burns inside
Which only
fuels their selfish pride
We're all
held captive
Out from the
A sun that
shines on only some...}
The young woman solemnly gathered up her belongings, packing everything into her bag before stepping out of the locker room.
She'd put on a brave facade during the first-ever tag team bra and panties match she'd competed in earlier in the night - but in reality, she was a bundle of nerves.
It had been a month of pure hell for her, and she couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. But that was because there wasn't any.
Earlier, she'd told her boyfriend she was leaving, that she would be going back to the hotel to rest. Because his match had been the first one of the night in the pay-per-view, he was free - and he'd offered to go back with her. However, the woman had declined, claiming she wanted to be alone for awhile. She knew he'd thought that a little unusual, but he hadn't questioned her. After all, everyone needed a little alone time once in awhile, right?
Sighing, the woman ran a hand through her long hair as she walked down the long hallway of the Gund Arena. She supposed she should probably stay, since the man who'd been tormenting and blackmailing her for the last month was not here, as he hadn't been scheduled in a match tonight. There was definitely safety in numbers, and here, she had not only her boyfriend, but a few other allies who could protect her as well.
The only problem was that none of them knew about her horrid ordeal...
{I hear a thunder
in the distance
See a vision
of a cross
I feel the
pain that was given
On that sad
day of loss
A lion roars
in the distance
Only he holds
the key
A light to
free me from my burden
And grant
me life eternally
Should have
been dead
On a Sunday
Banging my
No time for
Ain't got
no time...}
The diva hoped that, somehow, she would be able to hold back the tears she felt bubbling just beneath the surface.
Oh, God... She felt as though she could break into a million pieces. She was miserable. Ever since the man had found her out, he'd been wielding the ultimate power over her. She didn't know what she was going to do...
He'd been continuing with his harassment of her. At least once a week, he would get her - he would track her down when she was alone or call or beep her, and they would meet - and the bastard would have his way with her.
The situation made her sick - sometimes literally - but she couldn't bring herself to report him. She was far too terrified to do that. Not for the first time, she'd considered telling her boyfriend, but she'd quickly squashed the idea. He would naturally be furious - definitely entertaining thoughts of violence toward her abuser and would no doubt retaliate against the other man. On top of this, she knew he would be crushed. She couldn't do that to him - she couldn't tell him and cause him such anguish and devastation. Men were known to fall into depressions when they felt powerless to help or protect the women they loved.
The woman was relieved when she reached an abandoned area in the arena, for she felt she could no longer contain herself. She began to cry and sank slowly to the floor, her back against the wall. She sobbed softly, her head bowed, the tears running in droves down her face.
She didn't know how much more torment she could withstand. What she'd been experiencing over the past month was sheer insanity, and no one should have to endure it.
As she continued to silently weep, she suddenly realized, with horror, that someone was coming her way. She kept absolutely still, hoping the person would just pass by and not see or hear her, but it was not to be.
A pair of clear blue eyes gazed down at her in surprise, a look of concern coming into them as the man realized she was crying.
"Oh, my God...What happened, sweetie? What's wrong?"
The woman couldn't speak, but she felt relieved to see him, of all people, and she began to cry a little more audibly.
"Come on," the man said as he knelt by her side to help her up. Gingerly, he tugged her up by the hand, hugging her briefly, gently stroking her back and long hair. After a beat, he quickly glanced around the area, grabbing hold of her arm.
"Let's get you out of here," the young man said softly.
And then, Chris Jericho quietly escorted Lita out of the arena.