

Several days later

Amy entered the large building that housed WWE Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. She hadn't been there in years, but she could easily recall the interior of the place.

As she walked down the marble-floored corridor, she wondered why she had been summoned here. A few days earlier, she had received the call. It was something to do with an idea Creative had for her.

The redhead turned the corner at the end of the hallway, spotting the room she was seeking. Knocking lightly with the knuckles of her right hand, she awaited a response, getting an immediate one.

"Come in," a voice called.

She pushed open the door and walked in, met by a very pregnant and smiling Stephanie McMahon. The brunette gingerly rose from her chair to come out from behind her large maple desk.

"Hello, Amy! Good of you to come. It's great to have you back with us."

"I'm very glad to be back," she replied with a grateful smile. She eyed the other woman, whom she knew was quite happy in her life. After dating Paul Levesque for three years, Stephanie had finally wisened up and dumped him when she had gotten a glimpse of the man's true colors. A couple of years later, she had married Sean O'Haire, pro-wrestler, martial artist and professional stuntman. The redhead couldn't recall seeing the woman happier.

She took a seat on the couch near Stephanie's desk, and the brunette lowered herself on the other side. At eight months into her pregnancy, she required a bit of assistance, which Amy gladly offered her.

"Thanks," the youngest McMahon said with a grateful smile. She folded her hands and faced the other woman. "Well, as you know, I called this meeting with you about an idea we've had for you."

Amy nodded.

"I know we haven't had you in a proper storyline since you've been back with us. I'm sorry for that." Stephanie eyed her squarely, wanting to gauge her reaction when she sprang the news on her. "Here's what my team has been proposing... We reunite Lita with Edge."

The redhead parted her lips in shock, and it was as though all the air had left her body. She couldn't even seem to draw in a breath. She wasn't exactly sure of how to react. The one and only thing she knew for certain was that the reason she had quit in the first place was due to the horrible, relentless fashion with which the crowds had treated her. And she knew without question that she didn't want to go through that again.

"Now, Amy... I know you had a rough go after Matt Hardy told the entire internet community about your personal business," Stephanie said, as though reading her mind. "But I assure you - things will be different this time." The brunette's face brightened as she elaborated. "The idea is to have Edge cheating on Vickie Guerrero with Lita." She held up a hand in protest as she sensed the other woman was about to decline the idea. "Wait - hear me out... The fans absolutely despise Vickie. I mean, they really hate her character, and they hate that Edge is with her. Before you came back, we were toying with the idea, but we were considering Maryse as the girl Edge would be secretly romancing."

The redhead arched a brow, feeling a frown coming at the sound of that idea. She still couldn't even swallow the Edge and Vickie idea, which was pretty ludicrous to her. It seemed that after she left, the company had wanted a 'Rated R Couple,' part two. And as far as she was concerned, that wasn't possible. They could never recreate or recapture the magic she and Adam had had as the couple of Edge and Lita.

Taking all of that into consideration enabled Amy to make up her mind. She faced the brunette and spoke.

"I'd like to think it over," she said.

Stephanie nodded, a tiny trace of a smile coming to her face. Although it wasn't a definite, positive answer, she took that to be a good sign.


A moment later, after they shook on it, the redhead helped the brunette to her feet again.

"Thank you, and thanks for coming, Amy."

Amy was about to leave when she turned back to face the Head and Vice-President of the WWE Creative Team.

"Oh, and by the way... Does Adam know anything about this?" she asked.

The brunette shook her head.

"Not yet, but we're planning on telling him soon - as soon as we get your definite answer." She smiled.

The redhead nodded, then said goodbye and left. Somehow, she knew that if she didn't give Stephanie a positive answer soon, Adam would never be told of the idea.

As she was on her flight back home - she wouldn't have to fly anywhere for a show in a couple more days - she toyed with the idea of calling him. They'd had such a great time the last time they'd seen each other, and there was no use in denying it to herself. On top of that, there was no longer a reason to deny it, since she had broken it off with Shane. What would he say? How would he react if and when she told Adam the truth?

She thought about her most recent phone conversation with Trish. The blonde had asked her what she was waiting for. The truth was, Amy missed Adam. She truly missed the friendship they'd shared prior to becoming a couple. However, she also missed the blond man as a boyfriend as well. Any moment as friends they'd had since breaking up was pretty awkward... but that was because it was difficult to be friends with someone you loved when they were with another. She would never forget the feelings she'd had when they'd gone to dinner after Armageddon and his girlfriend had called.

Wait a minute! she thought. What am I talking about? She reminded herself that Adam was single again, just like she now was... and other thoughts that had just passed through her head dawned back to her.

She loved him... She still loved him.

Thinking back to that Valentine's Day the year earlier was enough to bring tears to her eyes. She had hurt the blond man more than she could even imagine. How she'd been so easily able to do so was now a mystery to her.

She needed to talk to him, all right... but not over the phone - in person. Amy was determined to do just that the very next time such a chance presented itself.

Part 23
