» Adobe ImageReady: See directly above for some info. I use this program along with Animation Shop 3 to make my animations.
» Jasc Paint Shop Pro: Some of my graphics are made using PSP 7 and 8, which are awesome. I love this program, and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have the resources to get Adobe Photoshop! It's like a "poor man's version" of that great program.
» Animation Shop 3: Another awesome graphics program, this one is handy for making animated gifs.
» 4Images: This is a terrific PHP-based database I use for my newer galleries. They're handy for saving space and neat at organizing your images/galleries. Check it out at 4homepages.de.
» PSDs: I used to use ones I got from the now defunct adam-copeland.net, but now I exclusively use my own, that I made.
» Brushes: I only just recently (as of December 2005) figured out how to use these on Photoshop. Along with patterns, this is a great way to spice up your graphics! The brushes I use come from Not a Thing, Hybrid-Genesis.net and Beautiful Sin.net.
» Patterns: I love using patterns in my graphics! Like brushes, they really make them look more interesting and exotic. I downloaded the ones I use from Pootato.org.
» Fonts: Many of the fonts I use I've gotten from daFont.com, fontfreak.com, True-Diva.net and Evolution Graphix, and others came with Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop 7.0.
» CSS Design: I learned (and continue to learn) Cascading Style Sheets by using tutorials such as W3 Schools Online Tutorials and by being observant of other websites that use this style.
» Notepad, WordPad and HTML: I use this to make my updates and all the sections and pages of the site.
» Guestbook: For this, I use Bravenet.com.
» Weblog Commenting: I use HaloScan.com for this.
» News Bits: I don't rely much on wrestling news sites anymore, but usually I get news from one, I check out 2xzone.com, PWTorch.com and a few other various sites as well.
» WinTV USB Capper: I have just recently (as of 6/8/04) treated myself to this screencapper, which is awesome. All my previous caps, of course, were courtesy of Justin and Sarah. As of April 2010, I am now using a newer version of this in the form of WinTV 7.
» InterVideo winDVD Platinum: This is a nifty program I use to get high quality, large captures off of DVDs (thanks, Ladie!).
» FTP on Internet Explorer: Unlike most webbies, I have never used FTP programs, I've always just relied on Internet Explorer for it. It's pretty simple to use, and I'm self-taught. I am now using FileZilla, which is great. Thanks to my good friend Tammy for pointing me to it and giving me tips!
» Webhosting: I've used two other webhosts previously, but now I am with Surpasshosting.com.