

Edge tried to keep the scowl he felt off his face. It wasn't at all easy as he left the airport and took to the streets of Chicago.

He'd never liked this city. It was dirty and dingy and windy, and he longed to be in Toronto or sunny Tampa, Florida. He'd made sure to bring Ashley along with him solely because she knew Punk's home - as his girlfriend, she obviously had been there plenty of times and knew how to get there. Plus, he didn't think he could get away with being in his own house looking the way he did now.

Ashley was insisting upon holding his hand as they walked the rest of the way. He had brought up the idea of taking a cab, but she pointed out that they were mere blocks away from his house. It felt strange to be walking with luggage and holding hands with the punk diva.

Obviously, Edge didn't know what to expect as they continued their trek. He didn't even know the address, so he just let Ashley lead the way. After awhile, she made a right turn and headed for a neat condominium. Instantly, he followed along, and it seemed she was none the wiser.

He reached into his pocket for the keys, dismayed to realize they weren't there. Damn it... Where were they? He hadn't the foggiest notion of where the former ECW Champion liked to keep his keys!

Smiling nervously as Ashley, he said, "Must've left them in my suitcase."

The blonde playfully rolled her eyes.

"Nevermind... I'll use my set." She dug into her purse and came up with her own key ring. He took careful notice of the one she selected as she placed it into the lock of the front door. "Here we are," she cheerfully said, and they went inside.

A mostly black cat with a small patch of white on its chest stood a few feet away. It watched them, and Edge watched it back, a crushing feeling suddenly coming over him.

Oh, crap, he thought. He was severely allergic to cats. It was so bad, he couldn't be around them at all. Damn that Punk! It figured he would have a cat for a pet.

"Here, Fluffy!" Ashley called. She bent over, putting her hand down as she made kissing noises to the feline. However, the cat instead hissed and turned to run the other way.

"That's strange," the diva said, "she's usually so friendly." She shrugged and concentrated on pulling her suitcase farther into the house instead.

Edge was glad Fluffy took off. He would prefer it if she stayed away from him. But, oddly enough, he didn't notice any sort of allergic symptoms. Normally, he was a mess in a place that had a cat, but he felt perfectly fine. Then again, he'd never had CM Punk's body before. Madness... It was sheer madness!

When they seemed to be settled in about a half-hour or so later, Ashley made a small announcement.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

He nodded, actually feel a bit giddy by this news. Now was his chance!

As the blonde headed into the bathroom minutes later, the Rated R Superstar snatched up his cell phone and went to another room. Finally, he had a moment to call Lita!

Edge held his breath as it rang on the other end. And then, he heard her answer her phone.


"Amy... Hi, it's me!" he said in a loud whisper.

There was a brief moment of silence.

"'Me' who?" she asked.

"It's Adam," he replied nervously.

"What? You're not Adam," the woman responded. "I know Adam's voice anywhere, and yours is not it. What is this, a crank call?"

Edge groaned inside, fearing his ex-girlfriend was about to hang up.

"Wait! Amy, please... hear me out. I know I don't sound like me, and I know you think this is a joke, but it's not." He heard her take a breath on the other end and continued. "The impossible has somehow happened," he said, "and I don't know how to explain it. But I... I need to talk to you."

"If that's really you, then what's up with your voice?"

"It's a long and crazy story. Can we... meet up?"

"Okay." It seemed there was some uncertainty in her voice. "As long as it's in a public place." Obviously, she wasn't completely convinced it was him and preferred to be safe.

He grew startled as he suddenly realized Ashley was apparently through with her shower. He could hear the bathroom door opening.

"Err... I gotta go. Please - call me back at the number I just called you with." A moment later, they ended the call, and he hung up.

Edge forced a smile as the blonde came over in just a towel, another, smaller one wrapped around her head. For a split second, he wondered if he was going to get to see her naked. As tempting as that thought was, though, he had more pressing matters on his mind.

"Who was that?" Ashley asked.

"No one," he replied quickly. "Telemarketer."

She gave him an odd look.

"I thought it was illegal for telemarketers to call cell phones."

"Yeah," he said dismissively. "I... I'm gonna step outside for some air."

As he hurried away from her and out the front door, the diva stared after him with suspicion. Something was definitely up with Punk, and she just hoped he wasn't cheating on her.

Part 12
