Three Weeks Later...
Amy woke up feeling horrible. She had a terrible empty, hollow feeling inside, as she had for the last three weeks, and it had only gotten worse since that night...
She had been avoiding Adam at every opportunity that presented itself. A couple of times in the last three weeks, since that fateful evening when they'd slept together, she would run into him - and whenever he tried to approach her or talk to her, she would either pretend not to see or hear him, or she would make up some excuse as to why she couldn't stick around. She felt like crap for doing this, but she couldn't help herself. The very thing she'd feared was happening - she now felt terribly awkward around the tall blond man.
Amy got out of bed and felt a wave of dizziness as she stood up. She reached out for the desk situated between the two beds to steady herself.
"Hey, are you okay?"
The redhead looked up at the sound of Stacy Keibler's voice. The tall blonde was studying her with concern as she stepped out of the bathroom, a hairbrush in her right hand.
"No offense, but you don't look so good..."
Amy knew the other diva was right. She hadn't felt all that great emotionally in the last three weeks, and for the last few days, she'd been feeling physically lousy as well. She supposed that was only natural after all the trauma she'd been feeling after what had happened.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Stacy..." she finally replied as she stepped away from the nightstand. "...just a little tired." That was an understatement, as she felt ridiculously sleepy after all the hours of sleep she'd just awoken from.
She looked up, meeting her friend's worried brown eyes as she approached the bathroom. "I'll be fine after a shower refreshes me...and then we can go down to breakfast together, all right?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Amy - I already ate..." Stacy said, unable to prevent the small smile from coming to her lips. She ran the brush through her straight blond hair again.
"You did?"
"Yeah...you looked so tired I didn't want to wake you...I had breakfast with Randy." The young woman's smile expanded into a full-fledged grin, and a tiny blush slowly spread across her pretty face.
"Oh? Is that so?" the redhead asked, a smile coming to her own face as she crossed her arms under her breasts, eyeing her friend knowingly. She'd suspected that Randy Orton had been harboring a crush on Stacy for awhile, and now she felt as though her suspicions had been confirmed.
"Yeah," Stacy admitted sheepishly. "I ran into him last night after my spot with Drew and asked if he'd like to have coffee or something...Amy, he asked me out over breakfast!" she said excitedly, her eyes lighting up. "We're going out for dinner tonight."
"Awesome! I'm really happy for you."
After a moment or so of more girl-talk with the leggy blonde, Amy stepped into the bathroom for a shower. She really was happy for Stacy, but she couldn't help feeling sad about her own situation. Damn, why couldn't things have been different with Adam?
Amy returned to her hotel room after having breakfast with her friends Matt and Jeff Hardy and Trish Stratus. She'd been absolutely ravenous when she'd arrived at the small hotel cafe and had ordered a delicious breakfast - buttermilk pancakes with blueberries on top, a chocolate chip muffin, and sausage on the side.
Her friends had stared with disbelief at the redhead's voracious appetite. She had eaten very fast, and had been halfway done by the time the three of them had barely taken two bites of their own meals.
Jeff, who had also ordered pancakes, had stared with wide eyes as Amy had snatched up the maple syrup, nearly drowning her pancakes as she poured at least half the bottle over them. And when she'd eaten every morsel of them, she'd used her chocolate chip muffin to soak up the syrup that remained.
Instead of her usual cup of coffee with milk and sugar, she'd ordered a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. Trish in particular had eyed her with shocked, widened eyes for this. The petite blonde had even made a comment about the amount of calories Amy was consuming, claiming they were probably enough to last herself the entire week.
Now, as she stepped into her hotel room, Amy was sorry she'd pigged out like that, as she was suddenly feeling nauseous.
After shutting the door, the redhead sat down on the edge of one of the beds. She bit her lip as she worried about her appetite. And it wasn't only that - she'd been feeling strangely for the last week or so - very tired a lot of the time, as she'd felt that morning, and she'd lost three pounds over the last couple of weeks, which was odd considering her suddenly huge appetite. And speaking of her appetite...
Oh, God...please, no... Amy normally had a slight burst in her appetite right before her period, but she knew that couldn't be the cause of that - not this time... She was a week late.
The diva hadn't panicked about that at first, as she was usually a bit irregular - although more often than not, she would be a few days early rather than late. Over the last several days, she'd pretty much ignored all the signs and symptoms, because in doing so, it made the situation - or possible situation less real - and a lot less frightening.
As she'd been sitting the last few minutes, the nausea hadn't passed, but it hadn't gotten any worse, either. But now, she felt even more sick.
"Oh, God..." She rose and ran to the bathroom, an even more sickening feeling running through her as the bile rose to the back of her throat. She lifted the toilet seat, sank to her knees in front of the commode and instantly purged her stomach of its contents.
Her stomach spasmed over and over again, and the sight of her undigested breakfast swirling around in the toilet caused her to vomit again. The agony continued until she was only dry-heaving, and finally, her stomach relented, having mercy on her. She hurriedly flushed, wiping one hand across her mouth before stepping over to the sink.
After rinsing out her mouth, the redhead caught her reflection in the mirror, the worried expression on her face along with it.
Dear God... What if she was pregnant?
"Oh, my God..." she spoke to her reflection. And if she was indeed pregnant, how in the world was she going to tell Adam?