Chris Jericho's eyes were sad as he stared down at the floor of the hospital waiting room, his mind lost in what had happened to Lita. Granted, he and the redheaded diva hadn't been close in so long, but they'd been really good friends at one point. His mind went numb when he thought of how someone could so carelessly and callously brutalize her like that...
Trish was at his right side, the petite blonde's small hand in his, her head resting against his shoulder as she tried desperately to fight the tears that still threatned her. She was obviously trying so very hard to remain strong for the woman who was her best friend.
Chris was glad he could be her support, her rock. He just cursed whatever forces - rather whatever monster - had attacked Lita.
Edge had been sitting at Trish's right side, his blond head bowed, face in his hands for the longest time, but he'd since stood up. Now, the tall Canadian began to pace the length of the waiting room. Chris noticed how he checked his watch every couple of minutes as well.
Edge ran a hand through his hair.
"What is taking them so long?" he wondered aloud. Damn it, she'd been in there for over an hour already, and there'd been no word at all.
Jericho eyed the other man but didn't know what to say. That was simply because he didn't have an answer...
Then, as though responding to the tall blond's question, a doctor in a long white coat approached them.
"Are you here for the young woman with the red hair? Lita, I believe her name is?"
"Yes - how is she?"
The physician wore a grim expression on his face.
"It's difficult to tell at the moment... She has a contusion to the head, and possibly a concussion, but because she is still unconscious, we aren't sure."
Edge eyed the man impatiently, as though imploring him to continue.
"Also, she's been raped. There are some vaginal tears and a bit of bleeding," he said.
"Oh, God!" Trish cried, her brown eyes filling up with tears again. Chris grabbed hold of her hand again, as though in an attempt to soothe her. Somehow, the blonde had hoped beyond hope that her friend hadn't endured that most horrible violation.
Edge's face wore a look of shocked horror, the blond man's green eyes appearing haunted.
"She's also been beaten pretty severely," the doctor continued. "She has two broken ribs on her left side." He shook his head. "Probably, her attacker kicked her."
The tall Canadian's hands clenched into fists, his eyes starting to well up like Trish's.
"Will you..." Edge swallowed hard. "...let me know when she wakens?"
"Of course, sir..."
The tall blond turned around slowly to face the others. Trish's chin quivered slightly, and Edge knew she was seconds away from losing it again. Jericho, although his face looked stony, appeared pretty upset himself. Maybe the man had actually changed since getting close to Trish in the last couple of months...
Resignedly, Edge let out a sigh, though not of relief. He came to sit beside the blonde diva, then ran a hand through his long hair.
Y2J sat thoughtfully quiet for the longest time - until he felt he could go mad and scream. Then, abruptly, he released Trish's hand and stood.
The two Toronto natives stared up at him questioningly.
"Ive got to go take a walk for awhile," Chris announced.
"Now?" the diva asked. "Do you have to?"
"You just stay here with Edge," Jericho said, kneeling in front of the little blonde for a moment. "I'll be back soon, I promise." He gently caressed her cheek, then rose and started walking out of the waiting room and toward the elevators.
Edge glanced at Trish, whose face now wore a look of confusion to add to the pain over what had befallen Lita. The tall Canadian put an arm around her shoulders as though to enable them to draw strength from each other.
He couldn't help but wonder what Jericho was up to...