{Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms
Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight...}
Edge tried his best to gather himself as he and Trish tentatively entered Lita's hospital room.
The diva looked in even worse shape than the doctor had described - and it tore him apart. There was a bandage on her forehead, and he knew her ribs were taped up underneath the hospital-issue gown the redhead wore, as the doctor had said she had some broken ribs.
The tall blond man held tightly to Trish's hand as they edged closer to the diva's bed. The little blonde began to cry again, this time more softly than before.
Edge noticed a darkening bruise on Lita's left cheek, as well as the fact that her lips appeared to be swollen - probably from the brutal kisses that had been forced there... Or... No, he couldn't - he couldn't bring himself to think anything else could have caused that...
Reluctantly letting go of Trish's hand, the little blonde sounding sadder than tragedy itself, the tall man moved even closer to the fallen diva's bedside. A lump formed in his throat, and he prayed he would not throw up as he thought about everything that had been done to her. He needed to be strong right now - strong for Trish, and strong for Lita...
Edge reached down and took hold of one of the redhead's hands, noting how very tiny it was compared with his own... She looked so fragile, so delicate at this very moment.
"Lita..." He spoke her name softly, and tentatively, as though hoping she would awaken at any moment and look up into his eyes. It didn't happen, however - with the head trauma she'd endured, the redheaded diva was still unconscious. Edge had the sickening notion that she was in a coma...
Trish, who was now seated in a chair beside the bed, was still crying. Her sobs, though now softer than ever, filled the room.
"Lita... We're here with you - for you," he continued. "Edge and Trish... We're pulling for you, Li..." He paused as he became choked with emotion. He felt tears welling in his green eyes not only from looking down upon the women with whom he'd been in love for the past several years, but at thoughts that had plagued him earlier - Christian... Was it really possible that his own brother was responsible for all of this? As much as Edge didn't want to believe so, deep down, in the darkest recesses of his heart, he knew it was true. And, as stupid as it seemed, he couldn't help but feel... responsible. As irrational and stupid as that was, he felt that way for the simple fact that Christian was his brother - his own brother. And certainly, the actions of his sibling would be a reflection on him. It tore him up badly enough to almost wish himself dead...
Trish gazed dejectedly at Lita's still, silent form, the redhead looking tiny as the size of the bed nearly engulfed her. The blonde diva's chocolate-brown eyes were still filled with tears - tears that were constantly spilling forth onto and down her cheeks.
Edge suddenly found himself wondering where Chris had gone. The other man had excused himself after the doctor had told them of Lita's condition - but he hadn't said where he was going or what he was doing.
The tall Canadian decided that, sometime later, he would have to have a talk with
Jericho to find out...