In Your Tears


"Edge!" Trish frowned as the tall blond man fled from the bathroom, where he and Chris had gone to talk - but he didn't stop there, as he rushed out of the hotel room all together. The little blonde diva looked up at Jericho, who lingered just beyond the bathroom door, his face somber.

"Chris?" She kept her voice to a whisper, as somehow, Lita had fallen asleep, the redhead's head in her lap. Trish was fearful of moving, not wanting to disturb or frighten her friend in any way. "What happened? Where did Edge go?"

The blond man read all the confusion, fear and concern on the diva's pretty face and raked a hand through his hair. He had to talk to Trish later about that, plus other pressing issues, but he didn't want to do that right now - not with Lita now blessedly asleep right here.

"He, err... he had some important business to attend to. He'll be back soon."

The blonde woman frowned. She wondered what this 'business' was all about as she glanced from Jericho down to the slumbering redhead. She had a sickening feeling that whatever Edge was doing, it had to do with what had happened to Lita. He'd stormed out of the hotel room with a very obvious purpose on his mind. She shuddered at the thought of what he might be up to.


An inhuman snarl escaped Edge as he raced down the hallway in search of his brother's hotel room.

It was true. It had happened, and no amount of wondering could change that. Christian had really beaten and raped Lita!

He turned a corridor, making a beeline straight for the room Chris had told him was the one his brother was staying in. His steps quickened even more as he came to the door in questions, his eyes wide as he raised a fist to pound on it.

At the same time, although he was beyond enraged and wanted to murder his brother, he didn't want to come off as a threat while he was out here in the hall. He wanted Christian to be completely guileless, to have not a clue as to who awaited him out here. Christian had to think someone was just randomly coming to visit him, no harmful intent or anything like that. *Then* he could pound him to a pulp...

Just to be on the safe side, the blond man knocked again, this time making sure to temper himself. There would be plenty of time to beat the holy hell out of his brother once he opened the door.

Edge was practically chomping at the bit as he waited, catching the distinct sound of footsteps as Christian crept across the hotel room floor. He could hear him moving steadily toward the door, closer and closer, and then...

The door suddenly opened, and, seeing red as he laid eyes on Christian, Edge lunged at the other man. He shoved his brother down with a hard spear, and the two of them fell in a heap to the floor.

"You sick little piece of shit!" the elder blond Canadian snarled, fists flying as he pummeled the other man. "I'll *kill* you!"

Christian, so surprised by the attack, didn't even attempt to fight back at first. But now, his arms raised as though to protect his head and face. After a few minutes of Edge beating him up, the short-haired man felt a burst of adrenaline and fought back.

Edge caught a forearm in the face, and, momentarily stunned, lost the upper hand. In a moment, Christian freed himself and was kicking him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Oh, brother dear!" He gave him one more sharp kick to the ribs, leaving the taller man grumbling in pain. "I guess you found out about Lita, huh? About what I did to your precious little bitch?" Christian kicked Edge again as he continued. "Well, it was her own fault! You know what she talked about all that time we spent together? *You*! God damned *you*!" he shouted. "And *that's* why I did what I did! And you know who's to blame for what I did to her? *You*, dear brother..." He let out a derisive laugh before turning and leaving the room...

... Leaving a pain-wracked Edge still laying on the floor, his head spinning.

Part 16
