Somehow, Edge managed to pick himself up off the floor and return to Trish's hotel room.
The tall blond man was seething with rage as he recalled his confrontation with Christian moments ago. The fucking little bastard had raped Lita - he'd actually *admitted* it! And he had to reign in his temper as he reached Trish's room. He couldn't afford to have the redhead see him like this - not when she saw him as her pillar of support during her horrible ordeal.
He knocked on the door, took a deep breath and exhaled sharply in an attempt to keep himself calm.
"Edge..." Jericho spoke his name in a near whisper as he opened the door to see him. "What the-" The shorter blond man's voice trailed off as he caught sight of the strawberry bruise adorning the younger man's jaw. "What happened?" He stood back a ways to allow the other man entrance, and Edge shook his head.
"My asshole brother decked me," he replied bitterly.
"Shh..." Chris' blue eyes darted back and forth, coming to rest toward the hotel room bed, where Lita and Trish still rested. He gave the taller man a knowing look.
Edge gazed over at the two divas, Trish sitting up and wide awake, her brown eyes directed toward them in concern. The redhead, on the other hand, was again asleep. The tall blond man noticed the red puffiness on her face and realized she must have cried herself back to sleep. And that only made him want to kill his brother even more.
Jericho ran a hand over his blond head, realizing what had obviously happened.
"I think you need some ice on that," he said softly, gesturing to the darkening bruise on Edge's jaw. "Go get some, and I'll wait." He glanced meaningfully at Trish.
The tall Canadian man nodded, realizing that Chris wanted to talk with the blonde diva. He made a quick dash to the bathroom for a washcloth, then to the small fridge in the room and retrieved some ice cubes.
It seemed as though Trish was watching him, her gaze very deliberate and intense. Edge didn't want the blonde to know what had really happened, yet at the same time, she deserved to know. Not to mention that she should be on guard in case Christian felt the need to brutalize and violate *her* as well. However, he sensed that was what Chris wanted to talk to her about.
Edge held the makeshift icepack against his jaw, wincing as it brushed against the tender, bruised flesh. Damn his brother to hell!
Jericho cleared his throat and gestured toward Trish.
"Why don't we go to my room to talk in private?" he suggested in sotto voce.
The little blonde seemed reluctant to move and leave her battered friend. She shifted her brown eyes down at Lita, then back to Chris.
"It'll be all right... Edge is here for her."
The little blonde nodded in resignation, then rose from the bed to join her beau. After one last gaze toward the sleeping redhead, as though making certain she would remain blessedly asleep, she turned and followed Jericho out.
Edge winced as he pressed the washcloth full of ice more tightly against his face. He inched closer to Lita, concern flooding his eyes. As he continued to eye her, he realized the diva was stirring slightly.
"No... No!" The redhead cried out in her sleep, her brow furrowing in evident fright.
In a flash, Edge was at her side, the icepack forgotten as he tried to console her. She began to thrash around, one of her small hands catching him in his bruised jaw.
"Ow!" Edge flinched and gently but firmly grabbed Lita's hands. "Lita! Wake up, honey, wake up!"
The redhead's eyes suddenly snapped open, and she looked up to see Edge's handsome face. Collapsing against him in relief, she burst into tears.
"It's okay now..." the blond man crooned as he held her against his chest, cradling her in his arms. "You're safe... you're with *me*. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you, Lita... I swear."
The redhead clung tightly to him, sobbing desperately against him.
He held her like that for a long time, rocking her back and forth in his
arms. He meant what he'd said. In fact, he'd sooner die than let her be
hurt again.