Here you will find original *challenge* (all challenges issued by Karen U, from her LitasBlondeCanadians list, unless otherwise noted) Fan Fics written by and © to me (Renee). All of these stories focus on Edge and Lita as being the main characters/pairings. All of these stories are still currently in progress.
7) Title: My Own Prison - Award-Winning!
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance, some Mystery
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Sexual
Characters: Lita, Edge, Chris Jericho, Test, Stacy Keibler, Shawn Michaels
Spoilers: Beginning just after King of the Ring 2001
Summary: Someone's own personal nightmare is later avenged...
Notes: The title of this
fic comes from Creed's song "My Own Prison" on their CD with the same title;
This story is a response to Karen U's challenge on her list LitasBlondeCanadians
from March 12, 2003.
8) Title: In The End
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations
Characters: Lita, Edge, Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon, Ivory, Chris Jericho,
Molly Holly
Spoilers: None
Summary: Lita gets a good and much-needed distraction from the troubles
in her current relationship...
Notes: The title of this
fic comes from Linkin Park's song "In The End" on their Hybrid Theory CD.
Lyrics from the song appear in the story. This story is a response to one
of my own challenges on Karen U's list LitasBlondeCanadians from March
22, 2003.
9) Title: Nothing I've Become
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance, Mystery
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations
Characters: Lita, Edge, Chris Jericho, Trish Stratus, Dawn Marie, Christian, Hardy
Boyz, Stephanie McMahon, Torrie Wilson
Summary: A whole series of odd occurrences, all stemming at a small
Notes: A completely AU fic.
The title of this fic comes from a line in Evanescence's song "Bring Me
to Life" from their Fallen CD. Lyrics from the song appear in the
story. This story is a response to a challenge by Ozelle emailed to me
on May 10, 2003.
10) Title: So Close
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Sexual Situations
Characters: Lita, Edge, Ivory, Chris Benoit, Lilian Garcia, Chris Jericho,
Molly Holly, Kurt Angle, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon
Summary: Vince makes life hell for several of the divas... And they
fight back, with help from a surprise source...
Notes: This fic is a response
to a challenge issued on June 2, 2003 by Carolyn on her list, CarolynsCorner.
The title of the story comes from the demo song "So Close" by Evanescence.
Lyrics may be included in the fic.
11) Title: Invincible
Rating: R
Category: Drama, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Lita/Edge, Victoria/Chris Jericho, Molly/Christian,
Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, Kurt Angle, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon
Summary: Victoria is a WWF spy in the Alliance and has big plans for
some people...
Note: This fic is a response
to a challenge by Sarah on the KarenFic group
12) Title: Over My Shoulder
Rating: R
Characters: Lita, Stacy Keibler, Edge, Christian, Triple H, Shane McMahon,
Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Ric Flair, Molly Holly
Summary: Completely AU. Set in a prestigious college, Lita and
Stacy deal with some trials and tribulations...
Note: This fic is a response
to a challenge by Britney!
*Disclaimer: These are all works of fiction, done by yours truly. All characters belong to the WWE and themselves.